Chapter 11

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Sorry for a while no update, I was on holiday so couldn't write. We reached 100 total reads, wohooo!!  Thanks for reading!!

Severus Snape POV

The whole room becomes silent as soon as Dacian gets called. I wonder if it is because of respect or the opposite. I do know the Slytherins are kind of fond of the boy, so no worries about that. The Gryffindors I do not trust, though.

Dacian takes a seat on the chair and for the second time, the Sorting Hat is on his head. Now, it doesn't shout out Slytherin within a second, instead, it takes a moment to decide, and I notice Dacian mumbling something I can't hear. Then...


A feeling of relief spreads through my body. Fortunately. I know Dumbledore hoped him to be sorted into another house, but there's nothing wrong with Slytherin. There just is the wrong opinion that all Slytherins are evil. I know Dacian belongs there, and he already has made some friends there, so it will do him good.

He takes a seat next to Malfoy. I don't know if that's good or not. I know they've been friends, but I am also very much aware of Malfoy being a Death Eater now, with a dangerous mission. Hopefully, he doesn't drag Dacian in this. I will take care of that, I decide.

'How was your summer, Severus?' Slughorn asks me, 'I haven't seen you in a while.'

'It was alright.' I mumble, a great lie. This summer was a mess, but he doesn't have to know. 'That's right, how are you doing?'

'Hmm, dark times... dark times.' Slughorn turns away, talking to Minerva sitting next to him. I shrug, not that I cared. Once more, I glance at Dacian. I see he's not eating much, and I don't see him talking a lot with the students close to him. I am worried about him.

This year will be tough, and it's Dacian's first year. I know what I have to do at the end of the term, I have already discussed it with Albus. Dacian will be betrayed, he'll hate me after this, perhaps he'll try to attack me. I hope not. And then Malfoy... Dacian will be betrayed by him too. How can he ever recover from it?

Dacian POV

It was fun seeing Draco again, but he didn't seem as happy as before. When I asked, he answered he was just feeling tired. Indeed, he looked tired. More exhausted. He has bags under his eyes, a pale skin, and his eyes are full of sadness. It makes me sad as well, but there isn't much I can do; he doesn't want to talk about it.

Finally, my first day at Hogwarts comes. Wow. It starts with classes like Transfiguration and then Potions, which I have from Slughorn, which is weird because I used to look forward having these lessons with Snape, now I don't look forward to any of his lessons. The lessons go on weirdly, I discovered I needed a wand, but I never got one, so I couldn't really do anything in Transfiguration. During lunch, McGonagall came to me and gave me a wand, saying that I would have to buy a good one soon in Diagon Alley.

After lunch I have first History of Magic, and then finally... or unfortunately, Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Snape.

I take a seat next to some Slytherin boy I do not know yet, whilst I ask him where he's from and what his name is, Snape interrupts us by dramatically slamming all the windows and walking to the front. I fall silent as I feel his gaze at me, but I don't look back.

'Defence Against the Dark Arts.' He announces, '... is a difficult practice.'

'My name's Dexter Callow,' The blonde boy next to me secretly shakes me hand.

'I'm Dacian.' I mumble back.

'No last name?'

'I don't know my parents so...' But I get interrupted.

Severus Snape's Son: The Slytherin RebelWhere stories live. Discover now