Chapter 26

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Dacian POV
A cold breeze wakes me up, and I am blinded by sunlight as I open my eyes. I'm lying in a grass field, on the damp ground. There are people around me, I realize after I stand up.
Memories are gone. What happened? How did I end up here? What happened that night at Hogwarts? No matter how hard I try, I can't remember anything after that one night. It's freaking me out.

The dark figures are standing in a huge circle around me, they're with thirteen, I count. Must be Death Eaters, I suppose. They just watch me, don't come closer, don't say anything, they're waiting... but for what? My question is solved not seconds later.

Someone apparates in front of me, someone a little too familiar. 


'What the hell?' I bring out, her standing just a few feet away from me.

'Dacian.' Her wicked smile. 'Here.' She tosses something over at my feet. It's my wand.

I carefully pick it up, my eyes not departing from her. It's real. It's my own wand. 'What is this?'

'An opportunity.'

The woman who I have always feared. Who hurt me so badly. She's standing in front of me, and I am not powerless this time. I have a wand. I can take revenge.

But isn't this what she wants? A little voice in my head asks, and I am almost sure it's right, but I don't care. This might be one of my last moments anyway. This might be the only moment I can to use my wand. To kill her.

I grab it tightly, slowly pointing at her.

She starts laughing but takes her own wand too in the meantime.

'Stupefy.' I yell, and she deflects the spell at once. 'Bombarda! Expelliarmus!'

Nothing works.

She keeps deflecting the spells until she starts counterattacking. One nonverbal curse hits me in my chest and I'm getting flown backwards, landing panting on the grass.

The woman starts laughing like a maniac again. The anger and heat only spread more in my body and I grab my wand tightly, standing up again.

'You bitch.' I mumble just loud enough for her to hear. 'Sectumsemspra!'

I know I shouldn't use that spell, especially because I had to endure it so many times before, but my rage is taking over again, and the little voice saying this is wrong is being suppressed. The curse hits her fully, and she's laying on the ground now, bleeding heavily.

It's not over.

With frowned eyebrows, my heart racing like hell, I focus on her with my magic. She gets flown in the air, and I stare at her hand holding the wand, desperately wanting to break it. A moment later I hear shattering sounds, but it's not the wand that breaks. Her arm...

Before I can process what I did, I'm getting thrown to the ground once more, this time by a person.

'You smell so nice.' A growling voice above me brings out.

I flinch, not wanting to know who this is, but he turns me around and I see an ugly face hanging above me. His yellow teeth are pointed and his eyes are dark and inhuman.

'What are you...?' I bring out.

'A werewolf.' He grins with those horrible teeth, 'I suppose we're alike.'

Severus Snape POV

Seeing the boy defeat Bellatrix in such way sent shivers down my back. He broke her arm by just staring at it... How?

Greyback drags the boy back to the manor further away, and I approach Bellatrix, still bleeding.
'Vulnera Sanentor.' I repeat several times until the bleeding stops, then: 'Episkey.' For her broken arm.

'That boy.' She whispers as she sits up. 'How's he so.... Powerful?'

'I don't know.' I shake my head slowly. 'He can be a powerful weapon.'

Later, I'm back in Hogwarts again, in Dumbledore's old room. Staring at his sleeping portrait. I could've gotten Dacian far away from here, I could've gotten him in to Dumstrang or another school. But I didn't because I missed him, and now I killed him. I put him in this mess. This horrible mess we'll never get out of. Dumbledore isn't here to inspire people anymore, the Order has fallen, Potter is somewhere hunting Hocruxes he doesn't even know what or where these are, and I'm letting everything fall apart.

They put Dacian back in the cold cellar of the mansion, and I have no idea what they're going to do next. I told the Dark Lord nothing about his parents or anything... so perhaps they might interrogate him more.

A knocking sounds on the door, and I sigh deeply. 'Come in.'

It's Amycus Carrow again, this time dragging a girl behind him by his collar. 'I've found something very interesting.'

It's Ginny. Or as I should say, Ms Weasley. The girl is struggling to get out of his grip, but the Death Eater doesn't let go, not even when he comes to a stop in front of my desk.

'This girl,' He spat, '...tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor.'

I raise one brow. What does she know? 'Did you now?' I slowly rise from my seat, approaching the two of them. 'Amycus, thank you.'

The man understood the dismissal and left us two in the office. Ginny staring at me with frightened eyes, yet she still managed to scowl at me. 'Traitor.' She mumbles.                 

I take a moment to recover from the emotional blow that word gave me, then my hand reaches down to my wand. 'Why did you want that sword?'

'It's Gryffindor's.'

'Did you have contact with Potter? Huh?' I know she didn't; I used ligilimency the moment she walked in, but she had tried to steal the sword to give it to him. Well, it's just a fake one, but no one knows except of me, so I know I must punish her. But how...?

She shakes her head slowly. 'I don't know where he is.'

'Of course.' I say softly. 'You know I have to punish you for what you've done.'
She shrugs, and it reminds me a lot of Dacian.

'A nightly trip in the Forbidden Forest might scare you.' I smile as I guide her back to the Gryffindor Dormitories. 'Tomorrow evening at eight, by Hagrid's hut.'

I know it isn't at all the punishment the others would give her, but I know Potter cares about her,

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