Chapter 29

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Severus Snape POV

Days after I heard of the escape of Potter and Dacian, I am still awake, staring at the pensive on the desk of Dumbledore's old office, now my office. I can still see the memory I just visited over and over again; us playing together on the piano. Dacian and I. We played a quatre main from Schubert; one of Dacian's favourite composers, the complexity of the piece is captivating, that's why I had just listened to it over and over again. Of course, our version wasn't perfect, but I suppose it wasn't bad either.

I know I must do something to help Dacian, yet I'm not sure what to do. The possibilities are huge, and all of them have millions of risks. The most appealing idea is to do almost the same as I did with Potter: cast a Patronus and lead him to the right place. But Dacian might panic by seeing a wolf as a Patronus, he might suspect it's from Fernir Greyback.

He knows that man well now, and I've heard Fernir's intention is to turn him into a werewolf. I have no idea what will happen then, but I don't suppose it will be for the better. If Dacian turns into a werewolf each full moon, he won't be able to control himself and we'll have a huge, powerful wolf on the loose.

But if I just cast the Patronus and take the risk; he won't know it's mine.

That's how I make my decision. I will take the risk of him being afraid of the it, but now the next step is finding the boy, and how to show it to him. How to show the truth to him.

My thoughts are interrupted by a sudden voice.

'Snape, the Dark Lord requests you, he's in the Room of Requirement.'

I look up surprised to see Amicus standing there, grinning at me.


'He didn't say.'

But I know why. The escape of them. I don't know what he would want from me, but I bet it's information about where they might go or how to catch them. So, I go to the fifth floor, and if find him standing in the doorway of the hidden room.

He turns around, meeting my gaze, and smiles. 'Severus.'

'My Lord.' I bow my head a little.

'You know what happened?'

'Of course.' I answer, 'But I do not know how.'

'Apparently some house elf apparated them away.' He sighs, shaking his head slowly. 'And Dacian used his Animagus form.'

'Well, I suppose they are far away from here now.'

'They are.' The man approaches me, 'I came to you so you can tell me who Dacian cares for.'

'Cares for?' I repeat confused.

'Potter cares for his friends, but who are Dacian his friends?'

I hesitate, knowing that Dacian has one friend left, Dexter Callow, and if I tell the Dark Lord about him, he'll be hurt and used immediately, his father is after all one of us. That's why I block all the thoughts about that boy, and say: 'Draco and I were his only real friends.'

'Draco...?' His eyebrows raise.

He won't use him, right? I used to be sure Draco wouldn't get harmed because of his loyalty, not that he really accomplished anything but he did join the Death Eaters. Yet now I am not so sure if the Dark Lord will use him, it is the easiest way to get to Dacian, I realize.

'Draco has always been faithful, except the failure of killing Dumbledore, he has done nothing wrong.' I carefully say, swallowing hard.

'Those who are close to Dacian should know the consequences.' The Dark Lord whispers coldly. I know he's implying on me now too.

'We didn't know who Dacian was...'

'Oh, you did.' He smiles, 'You knew he was rescued from Bellatrix.'

'I just thought he was a simple boy Bellatrix tortured.' I shrug slowly, 'I first didn't know he was powerful.'

'I know, Severus, and it is good that you befriended him, because without you, he wouldn't be here.'

'Here?' I frown, my stomach twitching. 'What do you mean?'

'Oh, he did escape, but he's come back for revenge.' The Dark Lord says, turning back around to the room stacked with all kinds of rubbish. Huge piles of chairs, brooms, everything you can think of.

Confusion and fear fill me as I follow his gaze to a figure in the corner further away, pointing his wand at us. 'How?'

But the figure approaches us from the shadows, his face contorted with rage and sadness. His eyes contain a flicker of an emotion I haven't seen in them before. It's revenge. And it's directed at me. The dark brown wand in his hand is shaking, but not of fear. Another step closer. Another.

Until he's standing ten feet in front of us.

I frown, knowing that he can never defeat the Dark Lord on his own, and he must know that too. Then why is he here?

'I thought you were different, Severus.' He says slowly, 'I thought you were my friend.'

The Dark Lord is observing my reaction with an evil smirk on his face, the white wand dangling loosely on his side.

'I won't let anyone control me anymore.' The boy brings out, tears falling down. And he tightens the grip on his wand, pointing it between my eyes. 'How could you?'

'You trusted me. It's your fault.' I mumble, knowing that it will break him.


I block the spell easily, expecting it anytime, and look to the Dark Lord again. His face is full of amusement, of interest, of admiration.

Yet then, something we all three don't expect, happens. A loud gasp from next to me and the Dark Lord collapses. He's panting and his eyes are firmly closed, I know what this must indicate; Potter has destroyed a Hocrux.

'What is it, My Lord?'

His dark eyes shoot open, piercing me, and he stands up again. 'I need to go to Gringotts, now. Deal with him.'

With that he apparated.

Out Hogwarts.

I don't have much time to realize what just happened because of another spell hitting me.

The impact of his spell sends me flying against a pile of tables, and they're covering me. The air gets slammed out of my lungs and now it's me gasping for oxygen. Pain shoots through me as I attempt to rise, but Dacian is now in front of me, staring down at me.

'Dacian... Listen to me, please.' I bring out.


Little did he know that I'm the best Occlumens of the wizarding world, and I could easily shield the curse. So, I finally have the time to grab my own wand, and I blast him away from me, then finally stand up.

'Dacian, I did it all to help you.' I say, as I watch the figure get onto his feet again. 'Please you have to believe me.'

'How could I?' He spat out, 'Why should I believe a single word that leaves your mouth?'

'I can show you.' I say desperately, 'In the Pensive.'

Dacian remains silent.

'Will you follow me?' I ask, slowly making my way to the door.

The boy frowns, apparently calculating the risks.

'If you are going to follow me, I promise not to hurt you, just let me show you everything.' I repeat, lowering my wand.

'Where to?' He finally questions.

'Dumbledore's quarters.'

The boy his expression changes, his eyes aren't full with rage; there's now curiosity too. 'Give me your wand first.'

Clever boy.

I hand over the black wand of mine, my movements careful and calculated so he doesn't startle.

'How do you suppose to get me there unnoticed?' Dacian then asks.

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