2. Hold This In

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Afternoon dawns on the horizon at the fastest speed

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Afternoon dawns on the horizon at the fastest speed. I look at the gold struck rays shining through the creaks of the branches above my head. The gentle breeze by the leaves makes me feel dizzy. I rest my back against the tree and close my eyes.

Today may be my last day in this world.

I will miss this.

My hands grip on the tree. A knot forms inside my throat as I lean my head on it. I whisper with pain.

"Now, Yeon has also left me... who do I have? Will you remember me, Ayra? You had been a good friend. Always calmed me by the cold wind you brought, you see."

I open my eyes, which land on the freshly dug soil. I have planted a seed of apple tree on it. On Yeon's grave.

"Yeon, I'm leaving you with Ayra." I smile through tears. "She will take good care of you. Shower you with wind, petals, and leaves. Won't you, Ayra? I know you will."

I sniff, feeling lost by the realization of every bit of energy draining out of my body. The back door opens, revealing a grim faced Mrs. Hyun.

"Mira," She calls out, her eyes sad and downcast. "It's time for you to get ready."

I wipe my tears away and get up. While going back, I turn behind me every second, staring at the grave of Yeon and imprinting the image in my mind.

Don't worry, Yeon. I will join you soon...

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