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Dandelion | Kang Mira

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Dandelion | Kang Mira

Dandelion | Kang Mira

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Yeonjun, through my eyes, since the first moment I saw him, was and has been a mystery to me ever.

It is the way he already has a defined, presumably exercised character, chiseled and framed, on the other hand me, a shadow fighting with the dark ambience of life, still dwells upon in which way I should present myself.

He has been always direct and exact minded on whatever needs to be done, how he should hold himself in front of others, how he needs to materialise the correct words at the tip of his tongue and somehow, let them be melting enough to catch hearts.

But Yeonjun, again, with his already nourished persona, still has several walls built around him that prevents him from opening up his heart to others. One can not notice it at the first glance, but after staring for quite a long time, it eventually gets discovered.

I can say that these walls were not made in a day. It took him days, probably months or even years to build whichever characteristics he decided to grasp for the rest of his life. Though my eyes, I can spot, unknowingly, that how the walls emerge in his ways of living daily.

The first wall that gets noticed by me is his reluctance on speaking about the scars on his back.

It is a triggering subject; none knows it better than me, who has same condition as him. Even if I am ready to hear, Yeonjun needs time, a lot of time at that. The spotted wall is miles long; we are at the opposite sides and waiting for a bridge to build up soon for us to communicate.

Wish A Miracle | Yeonjun √Where stories live. Discover now