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"What does that code mean?" Soon-Ok asks.

"I don't know, but we are about to find out!" Quickly, Soon-Hyun attempts to stand up. But not for long, due to the sudden sharp pain in his ankle, as he falls back down again. Luckily, Soon-Ok was there to catch him before he had hit his head.

"Soon-Hyun, You can't walk! And I'm not going to just leave you here!" Says Soon-Ok, clearly upset.

"Soon-Ok, I'll be fine! I can walk, don't worry. You aren't going to leave me behind. And even if you somehow have to, I'll be with you, every step of the way." Says Soon-Hyun with a hint of sadness in his voice, but not too much to make noticeable. Then, Soon-Hyun slowly stands up. "See, Soon-Ok? I can stand!"

Soon-Ok chuckles. "Well, Okay Soon-Hyun. But can you walk?" Says Soon-Ok slyly.

"I-- U-Uhm..." Soon-Hyun begins to slowly try to walk around, without falling over. He manages not to fall, but he is still in excruciating pain. Eventually, he manages to walk around at the normal pace without wincing from how much pain he is in. Though he is still in excruciating pain, he doesn't show it and tries as hard as he can to make his face neutral, as to not worry Soon-Ok. "Yep! See? I've got the hang of this! I can walk now!" Soon-Hyun's face lights up in excitement. "Now let's go find out what that code means!!!"

Soon-Ok, completely oblivious as to how much pain Soon-Hyun is currently in, stands up, and walks with Soon-Hyun back up the mountain. Eventually, after a few hours of walking, they come back to the spot where the old lady's cabin was. But, instead of the cabin, there is a tavern with a sign on it that reads: 'THE WITCH'S TAVERN.' And under it, a sign that states: 'ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!' Ignoring the warning sign, both Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun walk inside the tavern.

"Hello? Is anybody home?" Says Soon-Hyun, calling out to whomever might be in the tavern. Just then, an old lady appears in the tavern.

"Ah, I was expecting you." The old lady says, walking up to them slowly, giving off a terrible aura. "So, I assume you are here to save the world from these horrible dragons, Am I correct?"

Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun quickly nod their heads, completely terrified.

"Well, my name is Avery. Nice to meet you dear! As you can see, I am a witch." Suddenly, Avery notices the key. "So, you kids actually found it...You found the key!" Swiftly and quickly, Avery grabs the key from Soon-Hyun. "This is amazing! I've been looking for this for years!" Avery quickly runs to the back of the tavern and grabs her crystal ball. "It seems one of you is hiding something from the other. With this valuable information exposed to the both of you, you will become stronger and smarter! And eventually..., These Horrid dragons will be forever gone!"

Avery inserts the code on the back of the key, and the crystal ball shows Soon-Hyun's mom getting killed, and Soon-Hyun standing right there and witnessing it.

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