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"I owe Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun my life."

Finally, Alaia calms down a bit and nods. Her face is void from all emotions, yet anybody would be able to see the pain in her eyes.

Alaia: "Alright... Everybody say your goodbyes, I guess.."

Soon-Hyun runs up to Alessia and gives her a tight hug as tears slowly fall from his eyes.

Soon-Hyun: "Alessia... Thank you.. for everything.."

Soon-Ok walks up to Alessia as well, but doesn't hug her.

Soon-Ok: "Damn it... And we were just starting to get comfortable around you, too... Life is so unfair."

Soon-Ok looks away from Alessia and Soon-Hyun in order for him to make sure he doesn't start crying.

After Soon-Hyun steps away from Alessia, Alaia runs up to Alessia and hugs her tightly, as Alaia cries hysterically over the soon loss of her sister.

Alaia: "Alessia.. You're really too kind. The world didn't deserve you..."

Finally, Alaia steps away, and says some sort of spell that will lock the dragon abandonment spell onto her.

Alaia: "Dragons be gone, leave our souls be. Dragons be gone, take Alessia's or so mote it be!"

After a few minutes, nothing happens, and Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun grow confused.

Soon-Hyun: "Alaia, nothing's happeni--"

Before he can finish his sentence, Alessia grows weak and falls to the ground. That is when Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun realize that her legs were disintegrating. 

Soon-Hyun is startled and almost falls over, but luckily, Soon-Ok catches him. Once Soon-Hyun is back on his feet, Soon-Ok covers Soon-Hyun's eyes, and within minutes, Alessia is gone, and the last remaining bits and pieces of her are just floating away out the hole and into the vast universe. When Soon-Ok finally takes his hand away, it is soaked with Soon-Hyun's tears.

Soon-Ok: "Gross..."

Soon-Ok absentmindedly wipes his hand on his pants.

Soon-Hyun: "Okay, so how do we get out of here..?"

Without saying a word, Alaia presses a big red button that ejects Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun out of the hole and back to the outside world. When they see themselves back to the outside world, they decide to make their way back to their kingdom. And unsurprisingly enough, the dragons are still there.

Soon-Hyun: "They're still here?!"

Soon-Ok: "I knew this would happened..."

Despite the disappointment, Soon-Hyun gives Soon-Ok a soft smile.

Soon-Hyun: "Well, then at least you weren't the sacrifice... Because then I would've lost my best friend for nothing!"

Soon-Ok looks at Soon-Hyun with wide eyes, and then eventually turns away to look at the kingdom again with a soft smile on his face.

Soon-Ok: "Then promise me something.. Okay?"

Soon-Hyun: "Sure! What is it?"

Soon-Ok: "Promise me that we'll always stick with each other and protect each other no matter what happens... Okay?"

Soon-Hyun is a bit shocked by Soon-Ok's sudden mood change, but just decides to go along with it and eventually decides to give Soon-Ok a soft smile.

Soon-Hyun: "I promise."

And with that, they intertwine their pinky fingers and sing their promise chant.

Soon-Ok & Soon-Hyun: "I promise that we'll stick with each other and protect each other forever! If we break our promise, we have to swallow a thousand needles! Pinky sworn!"

And then for the cherry on top, with their pinky fingers still intertwined, they press their thumbs together.

Soon-Ok & Soon-Hyun: "Sealed with a kiss!"

After that, they both laugh with each other until a few minutes later, they feel somebodies presence behind them, and they both quickly turn around.

Villain: "Ah, so you've finally sensed me, eh? It took you long enough... I had to keep moving close to you two in order for you to finally sense my presence. Seriously.. You two are going to have to improve a LOT if you want to defeat these dragons."

The villain chuckles, sending a chill down both Soon-Ok's and Soon-Hyun's spine.

Soon-Ok: "Don't come near us!"

The villain puts his hands up as if he is surrendering.

The villain: "Now, now.. Don't be so hostile! I have not come here to hurt you. In fact, I came here to help you!"

Soon-Ok: "Help us? And why would you want to do that?!"

The villain: "Because I want to get rid of these awful dragons as well, can't you see?"

Soon-Ok: "Tch... Yeah, right! Stay away from me and Soon-Hyun!"

Soon-Ok stands up with his fists clenches, as if getting ready to fight, but before he can do anything Soon-Hyun grabs his arm.

Soon-Hyun: "Hey, that guy is way out of our league... If we want to beat someone like him, we're going to need to train even harder. So maybe for now it's best to just do as he says..."

Soon-Hyun stands up, and faces the villain.

Soon-Hyun: "What's your name?"

The villain: "My name is Guy. Nice to meet you."

Soon-Ok: "Guy? That's an odd name..."

Soon-Hyun punches Soon-Ok in the head enough to make him fall over, but not enough to make him actually hurt.

Soon-Hyun: "I'm Soon-Hyun."

Soon-Ok: "And I'm Soon-Ok."

Guy: "Nice to know."

Guy inspects Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun closely.

Guy: "So, Soon-Ok and Soon-Hyun..."

Guy looks at the both of them expectantly.

"Do we have a deal?"

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