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"That's fucking BULLSHIT..."

Gaspard stands up.

Gaspard: "Alright, then. Let's take this on the ground."

Gaspard hops to the ground, and Soon-Hyun follows. Once they get to the ground, they position themselves in a vast area where nothing can obstruct their fight. They get into fighting stance and stand there waiting for the other to move first. Finally, Gaspard makes a move. He grabs a sword from seemingly nowhere and runs to Soon-Hyun at lightning speed. Seeing this, Soon-Hyun uses a new-founded power. Hardening. (I see all yo dirty minded motherf*ckers out here bro so don't even) The power to harden any surface of his skin without getting injured. (Again, SHUT UP) Soon-Hyun manages to move just in time to harden his skin and block the sword from piercing his skin. Somehow, Gaspard has another sword. He pulls out his second sword and swings it towards Soon-Hyun's head. Luckily, Soon-Hyun dodges just in time. Gaspard strikes again, this time from above. Soon-Hyun blocks his hit with his hardened arms again. Yeah, yeah, repetitive, I know. JUST WAIT-

Gaspard swings his other arm to strike again but just in time, Soon-Hyun manages to hit his arm with his hardened arm, making Gaspard fall to the ground and lose his weapons. The weapons disappear into thin air now that nobody is touching them, and Gaspard quickly gets to his feet at the same time Soon-Hyun moves to punch Gaspard. Gaspard grabs Soon-Hyun's hand, but before Gaspard can do anything Soon-Hyun uses his super strength to push Gaspard away. Gaspard aims a punch towards Soon-Hyun and Soon-Hyun dodges as well as catches it. How unlucky for Gaspard. Soon-Hyun punches Gaspard at the speed of lightning, but luckily Gaspard blocks his face with his hand just in time which doesn't really do anything, but at least the impact wasn't as bad as it would have been. Gaspard practically flies backwards due to the impact of the punch, but he is still on his feet.

Soon-Hyun cautiously walks towards Gaspard, and once he is close enough, he launches a punch at Gaspard's side. Gaspard blocks the punch with his arm, so Soon-Hyun launches another punch at Gaspard's head. Gaspard blocks the punch again with his other arm. Gaspard decides to take the initiative for this next attack so that he won't end up being a human punching bag for Soon-Hyun. Gaspard attempts to punch Soon-Hyun, but Soon-Hyun catches the punch and pulls his arm down, making Gaspard go down with it. Gaspard quickly recovers from the counterattack and hops backwards cautiously.

Gaspard launches a kick towards Soon-Hyun's head, yet once again, Soon-Hyun uses his arm to block the attack. Seeing the opportunity, Soon-Hyun kicks Gaspard's stomach, making Gaspard tumble backwards and at the same time, gets injured because he failed to block the attack. Blood starts pouring from his head due to the impact taken from the fall. On top of that, he coughs up blood. Soon-Hyun watches this with a menacing grin on his face. He seems to enjoy getting revenge for his friends. Gaspard is still laying on the ground, so Soon-Hyun decides to slowly walk over and finish him off.

As Soon-Hyun stands over him, he crouches down over him to deliver the finishing blow. As he lifts up his clenched fist to kill Gaspard, Gaspard grabs Soon-Hyun's hand and flips him overhead. Gaspard and Soon-Hyun both stand up in unison, getting back in fighting stance.

Quickly, Soon-Hyun runs over to Gaspard so fast that it almost seems like he teleported. He manages to land a kick on Gaspard's head. Soon-Hyun spins around and attempts to land one more kick, but Gaspard ducks just in time. Soon-Hyun hops backwards as Gaspard starts running towards Soon-Hyun.

Gaspard punches Soon-Hyun, but Soon-Hyun is still blocking his attacks using his hardened skin.

Straightening out his hand completely as if getting ready to karate chop the hell out of Gaspard, he attacks. Gaspard straightens his hand out completely as well, and blocks the attack. They both end up catching each other's hand, and now they both have each other in a tight grip as they both hold onto each other's wrists.

Gaspard lets go of Soon-Hyun, straightens out both of his hands completely once more, and attempts to land a double attack on Soon-Hyun. He aims for the sides of Soon-Hyun's head. Soon-Hyun blocks the attack with his hands, and they both end up falling to the ground, Gaspard on top of Soon-Hyun.

Soon-Hyun kicks Gaspard in the stomach, sending Gaspard flying through the air as Gaspard coughs up more blood. Once Gaspard stops rolling and comes to a halt, Soon-Hyun runs over as fast as lightning and lands an uppercut on Gaspard's chin. Soon-Hyun then grabs ahold of Gaspard's cloak, and throws him on the ground forcefully.

A girl, most likely Gaspard's teammate, runs up to Soon-Hyun with a helmet in hand and manages to smack him in the back of the head with it, which catches Soon-Hyun off guard. Soon-Hyun falls to the ground. The girl grabs ahold of Gaspard's unconscious body and makes a run for it. Soon-Hyun lays there, his entire body aching from the hit. He pushes himself up from the ground, attempting to steady himself. 

Alena: "SOON-HYUN!!"

Hearing Alena's voice, Soon-Hyun jolts up right. Alena is running towards Soon-Hyun, ready to jump up and hug him. The entire fight happened in 14 minutes. Why was she this worried? It hasn't been THAT long. Alena hugs Soon-Hyun tightly, and Soon-Hyun hugs her back. Behind her, a limping Soon-Ok emerges from the trees.

Soon-Ok: "SOON-HYUN!"

Soon-Ok runs over to Soon-Hyun despite his limping, and joins the hug. Without warning, tears start flowing out of Soon-Hyun's eyes as he begins to speak again.

"I... I was too weak.. I-I'm sorry..."

WORDS: 951.

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