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"In the end, it's all apart of the journey."

Soon-Hyun screwed up. Let me explain:

Soon-Hyun is running through the halls, carrying a heavy box full of an unknown substance. When Soon-Hyun reaches the destination, he sets the box down in front of someone else with the same red lab coat.

Soon-Hyun: "Sorry for the wait! Here's todays delivery!"

Soon-Hyun hands them a pen and paper.

Soon-Hyun: "Please sign here."

(Worker 1=???)

???: "Great, thanks."

The worker signs it and hands it back to Soon-Hyun. Soon-Hyun puts the pen and paper back in his pocket, turns around, and takes a step getting ready to go back to his post. Under his feet, the floor cracks. The people around him notice, and they all turn to look at him.

Soon-Hyun: 'Huh? What's this? A crack?'

Everybody starts scattering, leaving Soon-Hyun to die. The floor continues cracking until finally...

Soon-Hyun: "Huh?!"

People continue stampeding past him, acting as if he didn't even exist.

Soon-Hyun: "Gah-- What in the--?!"

...The floor explodes. Soon-Hyun gets thrown backwards from the impact of the explosion, startling him. Once it does, that's when Soon-Hyun realizes. They aren't inside of a normal laboratory, they're inside of an entire PERSON! I don't know how, but they just are.


Soon-Hyun lands on the ground with a thud, his chest heaving up and down and several beads of sweat forming on his face as he finds himself unable to move.

Soon-Hyun: 'Huh?!'

Something emerges from the hole. Three dragons with razor sharp claws and Medusa-like snakes on their head. (!!!=Dragon 1)

!!!: "Hmmm. This place looks pretty comfortable. Not too hot, not too cold. And plenty to eat, by the looks of things. Seems like it was worth our trouble getting in..."

Soon-Hyun scrambles up to his feet, and calls out to the remaining people behind him who are still frozen in shock. Whether from the fact that they are in an actual organ system somehow, or from the fact that they have never seen a real-life dragon before, take your pick.

Soon-Hyun: "RUN FOR IT!"

!!!: "Shut them up."

(###=Dragon 2)

###: "YES, SIR!"

The dragon sprints towards Soon-Hyun at full speed, ready to kill him. Soon-Hyun dodges the attack, but unfortunately, the guy behind him gets killed instead.

(Worker 2=$$$)

$$$: "RGH!"

!!!: "I've made up my mind. Starting today, this is OUR land!!!"

Soon-Hyun freezes, his brain trying to process what he should do next.

Soon-Hyun: "Eep..."

!!!: "But first, we've gotta clean out these pesky natives!"

Dragon 1 dashes straight towards Soon-Hyun, furious at him for dodging Dragon 2's attacks earlier. From behind him, one of dragon 1's snakes gets yanked back......By Soon-Ok. Soon-Ok stands over dragon 1 with a face void of emotions, but if you were there, you would be able to feel the anger radiating from him.

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