Chapter Eight

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The first dinner after training is eventful to say the least. The mentors, escort, and tributes sit around the extravagant table full of food and drinks that could fill up an entire district event for three days. Ebony and Slate silently sit across from each other, keeping their eyes glued on the food. The other three shoot concerned glances in their direction, before Ruby speaks up.

"So, how was training?" the female mentor wonders, beginning the conversation. While waiting for a response, she raises her glass for an avox to refill. One of the servants quickly walks over with a pitcher, pouring more wine into it. Ruby gives a simple nod to the avox, before turning her attention back to Slate and Ebony.

"Interesting." the young girl answers honestly. What more could she say other than that? She did okay at all of the stations, only really succeeding in the hand-to-hand combat station by mere accident.

Ebony barely glances over at Kyanite to see that he holds a look of concern in his eyes towards her. She knows that he'll want to talk to her outside of the dinner table.

"It was amazing." Slate states way too confidently. "I've already formed the career pack. The tributes from Two and Four are amazing in their fighting and weapon skills. We'll take out everyone in no time."

"Did you two show your best skill set?" the male mentor asks in general, swirling his wine around in the glass. "Or did you hide it like we told you two to do this morning?"

"I hid it." Slate mutters, outright lying to the older man. He was at the spears and dagger stands all day. From what the young tribute heard during training, Slate wants everyone to know how deadly he will be in the arena. "I hid it like I was told. Though for her over there, I don't even think there is something she's the best in."

Ebony bites her tongue, trying to not start a fight that she knows will not end well for anyone, especially for her. Slate is just trying to get under her skin like always.

The young girl puts her focus on the food sitting in front of her, scooping some mashed potatoes into her mouth. Raising her eyebrows at the girl's behavior, Vera pops into the conversation.

"You're awfully quiet, Ebony." the escort quietly remarks. "Tell me about your training day? Any allies?"

"It was interesting like I said." the young girl answers honestly. Even though she initially hesitates to bring up Sam, she decides to do it anyways. "I might have an ally though."

"Oh?" Ruby mutters, turning her attention to her. "Are they from the career pack or not?"

"No." Ebony responds, shaking her head in response. Seeing the female mentor stare in confusion she explains herself further. "He's from District Nine."

"Him? Seriously?!" Slate mocks his district partner with laughter. "Alexandra said he's all bark, no bite. I mean, he got knocked down by you of all people. Imagine what'll happen to him in the arena?"

"Oh, like you did any better?" Ebony remarks, raising her eyebrow at the idiot. "You got your butt handed to you by the female tribute from District Five."

"She got lucky!" Slate exclaims, shooting up from his seat. While he does so, his chair falls backward with a resounding crash. Silence spreads throughout the room, as the other occupants stare in shock at the outburst. Awkwardly shifting around for a moment, the male tribute picks up his chair and sits back down.

"Well, at least Sam doesn't have a stick up his a-" Ebony mumbles to herself, before being cut off by the female mentor.

"That is enough!" Ruby exclaims, glancing between the two of them. The two tributes shrink in their seats at the glare sent to them between them. At this moment, they realize that the very mentor helping them was frustrated at them. "The fighting is for the arena. Not for right now. And if you continue this, word will spread and affect you in the arena. Trust me when I say, none of us want that."

"Your image outside of the arena is the most important part of the games." Kyanite pipes in. "If they hear you two are not working together, or at least are on good terms, then it'll be the end of you two in the arena. Not just one of you."

"The Capitol loves making villains, heroes, underdogs, and more archetypes of the tributes." Ruby continues on from Kyanite's statements. "Once you have a certain image, they will either love or hate you. That image alone can make or break it. And the image you two have is one of alliance. So don't break it."

Silence emanates throughout the room for what feels like an eternity. That is until laughter from Vera comes in to break the tension.

"Speaking of which..." the escort starts off, taking a sip of her wine. "We need to get started on what type of image you two will have in the arena!"

"You're right." Kyanite agrees with a curt nod. Oddly enough, his kind and fun demeanor that was there the night before with Ebony is gone. Instead, he has a stone-cold frown on his face as he responds. "Porcupine, innocent but deadly. Killjoy, blonde asshole."

"Kyanite!" Ruby scolds, then clears her throat and continues the conversation. "What about a brother-sister image? That should get them more sponsors."

Upon hearing this, both Slate and Ebony burst into laughter. The two can barely stay in a room together without arguing, so this plan will definitely not work.

"Rubs, that isn't going to work. It never has, never will." Kyanite scoffs, taking a sip of his drink. "I mean, look at them, they have hated each other the moment they were reaped."

"It doesn't hurt to try though." Ruby mutters under her breath, while cutting into her meat.

"Yeah, but it'll hurt us and them and literally anyone else." Kyanite tries to get across to his fellow mentor. The two share a knowing look, as silence falls over the group once again.

"I think you should do it." Vera chimes in, taking a sip of her wine.

"No!" Ebony and Slate exclaim at the same time.

"Yes! Now sit down, now." Ruby scolds the two tributes. "Vera is right on this and I can't agree with her more. Kyanite?"

Ebony turns to the male mentor, as she silently begs him to stop the two older women from enacting this plan. Kyanite hums to himself for a moment, before reluctantly nodding his head.

"Hate to say it, but they're right." Kyanite reluctantly states, letting out a loud sigh.

Realizing that the plan is not going in their favor, Slate turns to Ebony with a sarcastic grin.

"Looks like we're stuck in this shithole, sister." he mutters, as the female tribute rolls her eyes.

"Couldn't agree more, brother."


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