Chapter Twenty-One

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It's been four months since President Snow gave Ebony Desai the opportunity of a lifetime as a victor. And since her refusal, Ebony had learned the dire consequences of denying the President of Panem of his wish.

Estelle Desai, Ebony and Onyx's mother, had suffered a slow and painful demise for four months until she finally passed away in her sleep. Her pain had started merely hours after the celebration dinner for Ebony's victory. Estelle had left dinner early, something that she would never do at important events like this.

Then, from that moment on, she was always exhausted. At first, it was thought to be food poisoning or another illness. However, after doctor visits after doctor visits, no one had the answers to explain why the mayor's wife was falling ill. What was happening to Estelle Desai was an unsolved mystery.

Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. By that point, the mother of Ebony Desai was bedridden and a ghost of her former self. Upon returning home from visiting her family, Ebony found a white rose laying on her desk. It was at this point that she realized the consequences of her actions. President Snow had done this to her mother. All because she had denied him of his wish.

Mere days after her death, the funeral of Estelle Desai took place. Later that day, Ebony hopped on the train to the Capitol, wanting to correct her mistake before anyone else got hurt. This time around, she would take up whatever offer he would give her. It was better to accept his offer and save the ones she loved than hold onto her pride.

Now, two months later, Ebony stands on her own with the victory tour coming to its climatic conclusion with tonight's Victor's Ball. Everyone who is anyone in the Capitol wants to be there to meet her. It seems like the only person who does not want to be there is her.

"I can't do this." Ebony mutters, letting out a loud sigh in frustration. As she messes with the dress she has to wear for the event, Vera makes the final adjustments on her outfit.

"Yes you most certainly can, Ebony." the escort immediately reassures the victor with a smile. A knock on the door makes the two turn their attention to the person behind the door.

"Is she ready yet?" Ruby asks, as the door opens automatically. Her mentor is just as ready for this event as the new victor is. When she looks down at her mentee, Ruby gasps for a moment in awe. "Ebony, you look beautiful."

"Thank you." the girl states, mustering up with a small smile. The two women stare at her for a moment, before Vera claps her hands together.

"Well then. We should be going." the escort mutters, glancing between the two. Letting out a sigh, the young girl reluctantly nods her head, following the two women out of the room. Everything in her wants to just turn and run, but she knows that will cause more problems.

"There's Porcupine." Kyanite greets, his suit clean and pressed for the serious event of the night. "So, are we finally ready to go?"

Ruby goes up to her fellow mentor, adjusting his suit so that it is more symmetrical for the Capitol's standards.

"Now we are." Ruby mutters with a smirk plastered on her face, before turning back to Ebony and Vera. "Vera will be taking you inside. We can't go in the main entrance with you since this is your moment. But we will be inside."

Ebony simply nods her head, as Vera begins to lead her down the pathway towards the President's home. Everything here is lavish and almost devine, yet there is a sick feeling coursing through the girl with every step she takes. The people of the Capitol, the richest of the rich, are all standing aside of the pathway with grins and excitement at the sight of her before she's even made it up the dreaded steps.

"Remember to smile and wave, Ebony." Vera instructs the girl, before stopping and turning around to face her. "Everyone here wants to meet you. Even have a few previous victors who want to meet you as well."

Ebony takes in the information, as the escort gestures for her to follow her up the stairs and toward the crowds of sophisticated Capitol civilians. Everyone is clapping for the new victor, greeting her with wide and colorful smiles, and some even reaching out to touch her as if she is an animal.

By the time the escort and Ebony make it inside the building, the girl knows that this will be a long night of socializing and putting up a charming front for the Capitol to see. Vera notices her friends and starts to go and catch up with them, leaving the district girl out of place.

Yet, when she sees Kyanite and Ruby, the new victor nearly sprints towards the two people she is familiar with.

"What do you think?" he asks Ebony, though something in him knows that she's already overwhelmed.

"It's a lot to take in." the girl answers honestly, keeping the choice words she wants to say in her head.

"That's normal, don't worry." Ruby explains gently, as Ebony nods along. "A lot of tributes feel overwhelmed at first. You'll fit in soon."

She is not right. She is far from right. After many dances, food, and socializing, the girl is tired of everything. So, when she has the chance, Ebony sneaks away from the party. A task, which is nearly impossible with everyone wanting to meet her.

Walking around for a moment in the newfound silence, she stumbles upon the garden of white roses. Ebony nearly freezes upon seeing the very type of flower that was left in her home months prior. Taking a step away from the rose bush, she continues forward on the gravel pathway.

"How'd you manage to sneak out of the party?"

Hearing the voice, Ebony freezes up, before turning around to face the unknown person. Behind her, a young man around her age cautiously steps toward her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to spook you." he apologizes, raising his hands in mock surrender. "I was the same way after I won."

"It's okay." she states, shrugging her shoulders. "I'll get used to it eventually."

"I'm Finnick Odair." Finnick awkwardly introduces himself, holding his hand out for her to shake. "I, uh, already know who you are. Your face is plastered everywhere."

"You won last year's game, right?" Ebony rhetorically asks, finishing the gesture.

"Yeah, I did." Finnick mutter, nodding his head. "Sorry for your loss."

"My loss?" Ebony repeats for a moment before realizing what he means. "Oh, uh, thank you. How'd you even find out?"

"Word travels fast in the Victor world." is all Finnick answers with. Before Ebony has the chance to ask what he meant, the two are startled by a yelp and a sudden fall down the hill.

"There you are!" The two are startled by the voice of Kyanite, who stands up and brushes off grass and thorns. "The Fireworks are about to start. President Snow is going to do a speech, and how the hell did you manage to sneak away?!"

Ebony and Finnick glance at each other, as her mentor stumbles over to them. He stops for a moment, glancing between the two before realizing who the other is.

"Oh, hey Finnick." is pretty much that entire interaction between the men. Kyanite turns his attention back to his mentee, as he pulls her along. "You need to be at the speech and talk to more people. They'll wonder where you are. You too, Finnick. Come on."


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