Chapter Twelve

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"You'll be great." Alek reassures the female tribute as he makes the final adjustments to her outfit. Shaking from anxiety, the girl connects her hands together, messing with her fingernails. "Ebony, stop that now. You'll ruin your nails."

When she doesn't respond, the stylist covers her hands with his own, as he looks her dead in the eyes. Ebony tries to look away, feeling uncomfortable with the stylist staring directly at her.

"The dress is amazing. You're amazing." Alek repeats. "But hurting yourself will only hurt your chances in the game."

"I know, it will ruin my chances with sponsors." Ebony mutters, glancing down at the floor.

"No, it will show the other tributes that you're fair game." Alek corrects bluntly. "You're the girl who scored a ten. Don't let the interview be your downfall."

Before Ebony goes to respond, a knock on the door resonates throughout the room. She looks to the door, while the stylist does not even bother to turn his head to the door.

"Come in!" Alek answers the knock as the door opens to reveal Ruby.

"Oh my goodness! You look gorgeous!" she exclaims, as a bright smile appears on her face. Holding a hand out to the girl, the female mentor gestures for her to come with her. The two quickly exit the room, calmly walking in the direction of the stage.

Arriving at a narrow hallway, Ebony stares at her fellow tributes lined up against the wall. Leading her to the front of the line, Ruby gently pushes her into position.

"You've got this." the female mentor encourages, squeezing her shoulder softly. "Just remember to smile."

Taking a deep breath, Ebony focuses her attention on a nearby wall, as Ruby leaves to go find her seat. Feeling someone's eyes on her, she turns to see Slate glaring down at her.

"Don't forget the plan, brat." he grumbles, crossing his arms against his chest. "And good luck. You're gonna need it."

Before she can say anything, an unknown voice sounds throughout the backstage area.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our master of ceremonies, Caesar Flickerman!" the announcer states, earning loud cheers from the crowd. The host stands from his seat, bowing before the Capitol citizens.

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the 66th annual Hunger Games! Are you excited?" he exclaims, greeting both the in-person and virtual audiences. Backstage, the twenty-four tributes watch from a screen above the stage door. "Sixty-six years. Can you believe it's been that long? How long have I been here? Don't answer that question."

Rolling her eyes at the man's theatrics. Ebony huffs in anticipation for her interview. The faster it comes, the faster she can get it over with.

"So, our first tribute is from District One." Caesar remarks, pacing along the stage. "We have a lovely young woman, and her name is Ebony. Ebony. Let's see if she is as beautiful as her namesake. Let's have a warm round of applause for Ebony!"

The crowd breaks into applause, as the young girl is escorted onto the stage by two avoxes. Holding his hand out for her, Caesar helps Ebony walk to the center stage, while her shimmering silver dress glides behind her.

"Look at you!" he exclaims, taking in her appearance. Plastering a fake smile onto her face, she waves to the audience.

"That is quite an outfit. How cute. Don't you think?" the host wonders, holding his microphone down for Ebony to answer.

"Thank you, Caesar." Ebony shyly thanks him. Though in actuality, she is trying to stay calm in the moment, as thousands stare back at her, waiting for the young girl to make a mistake. "I just absolutely love the color. My stylist asked me what fabric I liked before he made it."

"And what a wonderful job he did." Caesar remarks, before a spotlight shines on Alek in the audience. With a stoic expression on his face, the stylist waves, as others around him clap.

"Shall we? Let's ask Ebony a few questions, folks." the host wonders, assisting the girl in finding her seat. "So, Ebony, you are the youngest career tribute this year in the arena. Most of the others volunteered, yet you were chosen. How do you feel about this?"

"I won't lie. It was terrifying at first." she admits, as Caesar nods his head along. "But now that I've been here for a few days, I'm ready to go into the arena and win."

The crowd begins cheering for the girl, as the host lets out a loud chuckle.

"So brave! So brave!" he repeats, before dropping his smile. "Now, Ebony. We all saw what happened with your brother. Are you happy he is not in the arena with you?"

"Definitely, and I am eternally grateful for Slate volunteering for him." she states, smiling to herself.

"And are you and State close?" Caesar questions, pointing the microphone back at her.

"He's almost like an older brother to me." Ebony answers, as the audience begins awing at her comment. "Since we were reaped, he's supported me and my training. He's always been watching over me and making sure I can fight and survive long enough in the arena."

"Wonderful!" the host exclaims, rising to his feet and pulling the girl to hers. "Ebony, everyone!"

The crowd claps in approval, as Ebony walks off stage. Reaching the line of tributes, Slate nods his head in approval at her comments. While she is led back to her dressing room, Caesar begins announcing Slate. The interview's done. Next up, the arena. 


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