Chapter Four

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Laying on a cold, metal slab, the young tribute from District One is poked and prodded by numerous assistants. While she has yet to personally meet her stylist, Ebony knows that his team is efficient at their jobs. After all, if they can take tributes from the lower districts and make them look exceptionally clean, they are definitely qualified. Yet, Ebony might as well be getting treated as though she is from the lower districts with the way the team keeps scrubbing away at the top layer of her skin.

Every so often, the group of stylists would stop their work for a moment to whisper among themselves. Feeling anxious, the girl begins attempting to drown out the assistants to no avail. No matter what she does, she cannot help but overhear their conversation.

Eventually, the trio of stylists lifts her from the slab and ushers her to a nearby room. Isolated in her own thoughts, Ebony begins thinking about her chance of winning the games and returning to her family. If her academy scores were anything to go off of, she would be dead the moment she stepped into the arena.

Without warning, the door to the room reopens and reveals an unknown man. Stepping closer to the girl, he leans down to her.

"So! You're the girl I've heard so much about!" the stylist introduces himself with a large grin and laugh to add. "Well, the only girl I've heard about. I only have one female tribute I'm working on for this game."

Ebony remains silent, uncertain on how to respond to the eccentric stylist. Extending his hand to her, the man clears his throat.

"I'm Alek. It's nice to meet you, Ebony." he introduces himself, sending the girl a soft smile. Finally relaxing in his presence, she shakes his hand.

"You too." she mutters, sending the man a confused look. "So what exactly do you help me with?"

"I'm in charge of designing your outfit for the Tribute Parade." Alek begins to explain. "Typically, the outfits are-"

"Bright and eccentric?" Ebony nearly groans at the thought of those outfits. They always looked uncomfortable to her.

"I wouldn't say bright and eccentric." Alek mutters under his breath before perking up again. "Instead, we are going for eccentricity. You are from the district of luxury! You must be more than just luxury though."

Walking over to a nearby closet, the stylist throws open the door. Shuffling through a few different outfits, he eventually pulls out a short, pink dress with embroidered sparkles and a matching headpiece.

"This, this is luxury." Alek begins as Ebony touches the fur and beading of the dress. "Everything and more that District One has to offer to the Capital. Plus, you will look absolutely gorgeous in it."

Zoning out slightly, the girl is unable to focus on anything but the outfit in front of her. Even though she is the daughter of District One's mayor, she has never worn anything this elegant.

"So, love." This pulls Ebony from her thoughts as she looks up at the stylist. "What do you think?"

"It''s beautiful." she admits, trying to form words together. A grin appears on Alek's face once again, before he places the dress down on a nearby slab.

"Perfect! Now let's get you ready."


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