When Stars Align 💭 Tanner

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In which tanner and y/n are both big fans of astronomy and one night the stars seem to align and bring the two together.


Sighing as she shut down her barely running dinosaur of a computer, y/n rubbed her face and leant back in her chair. Staring out the window of her room, she remembered what she had been looking forward to all day. Tonight, there would be a meteor shower, plus the sky was meant to be very clear, meaning it'd be great viewing.

It was 5pm by the time she'd finished her online work for university so, deciding she wouldn't have enough time for a proper dinner, y/n just made up a bowl of cereal before heading back into the single bedroom of her small apartment to pack up her bag so she'd be able to set up early at the park with a good view of the meteor shower.

As she gathered her camera, a jacket, and some snacks, Y/N's excitement grew. This meteor shower was a special event she had been eagerly anticipating for weeks. Not only did she love astronomy, but she also found solace in the night sky, with its vast expanse and mysterious wonders.

With her bag packed, Y/N made her way to the nearby park, where she hoped to find the perfect spot away from the city lights. As she set up her equipment beside her on an isolated bench in the middle of the park, she couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over her. The park was peaceful, and the anticipation of the meteor shower created an enjoyable ambience around her.

Just as the sky began to darken and the stars started to emerge, Y/N noticed a figure nearby. A tall, well built figure was setting up their own viewing station just a few meters away. Intrigued, she couldn't help but steal glances at them as they both prepared for the celestial show.

After a while, the person - a young, rather attractive man - caught her eye and flashed a friendly smile. Feeling a bit shy but curious, Y/N decided to strike up a conversation, she had nothing to lose. She walked over and introduced herself. "Hey, I'm Y/N. Are you here watching the meteor shower too?"

The young man nodded and replied with that same friendly smile, "Hey, Y/N," the mention of her name coming from his voice sent a soft chill over her body. "Yeah, I'm really excited for it, i tried to get my friends to come along but theyre all too lazy. My name's Tanner, by the way." He added, with a sweetly lopsided smile.

Y/N's face lit up. She found herself drawn to Tanner's enthusiasm and seemingly genuine passion for the stars. They spent the evening sharing stories of their favorite astronomical events, discussing constellations, and just marveling at the wonders of the universe whilst enjoying each others presence.

As the night grew darker, the meteor shower began in full force. Countless shooting stars streaked across the sky, leaving trails of light in their wake. Y/N and Tanner watched in awe, their eyes locked on the celestial spectacle.

In the midst of the meteor shower, Y/N couldn't help but steal glances at Tanner. There was something about the way he spoke, the way his lazy eyes seemed to widen and light up and sparkle with wonder as the stars shot across the night sky, that made her heart skip a beat. The connection they had felt over their shared passion for astronomy seemed to grow stronger with every shooting star that danced across the sky.

Lost in the magic of the moment and mesmerised by the stars as well as the man beside her, Y/N couldn't help but speak her mind, "You're really pretty," She blurted out.

Tanner's face broke into a wide grin as he turned to face a very flushed Y/N. "Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." He replied.

And just like that, under the starry night sky, their love story began. The meteor shower marked the beginning of a beautiful journey for Y/N and Tanner, exploring the wonders of the universe and discovering the boundless potential of their connection.


This was so cringy I'm so sorry omfg

~ 692 Words ~

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