Romcoms 💭 Yumi

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The orange glow of the sunset creeping through the window created a warm ambience as you and Yumi prepared to binge your favourite shows through the night. As much as Yumi would have preferred to watch some classics or action movies, he settled for romcoms as they were your favourite and he loved to see you happy.

You scrolled through Netflix before settling on a light-hearted romcom hoping to finally crack Yumi's hard demeanour and bring a smile to his face. As the first episode played out you couldn't help but giggle slightly at the comedic events. Yumi, couldnt resist the small smile that crept across his face. You noticed and nudged him playfully, encouraging him to let go of his hard demeanour and embrace the cheesy show.

Yumi couldn't deny the infectious laughter and gradually found himself becoming engrossed in the story. Halfway through the season, you decided to up the stakes, selecting a heartfelt romance series, secretly hoping to tug at Yumi's heartstrings.

You snuggled up closer to him, pulling the blanket over the two of you. He smiled softly and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. The cheesy romance was getting to him.

As you watched the romantic plot unfold, you noticed Yumi's reactions slowly changing. His usual scowl was replaced with a soft smile, and his eyes shimmered with newfound tenderness. You rested your head on Yumi's shoulder, tenderly smiling up at him. He returned the smile and pulled you closer, letting out a content sigh.

Before long the two of you had fallen asleep in each others embrace, you were happy he was willing to enjoy some of your favourite shows with you, and proud that you were finally able to crack his hard demeanour.


301 Words

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