Braiding His Hair 💭 Larry Croft

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I couldn't help but notice how soft his hair looked as he sat there cross legged on the end of his bed, intently watching whatever Finn and Jake were up to on the episode of Adventure Time that was currently playing on the TV. I moved from my half sitting, half lying position at the headboard of the bed and sat cross legged behind him. The mattress dipped with my movements but Larry didn't seem to notice, too engulfed in the show.

I brushed my fingers gently through his long dark hair, it felt as soft as it looked. Larry hummed in content, he always enjoyed when I played with his hair. That's when I had an idea. Leaning over to the bedside table I retrieved two hair ties.

Carefully sectioning his hair, I began braiding it, intertwining the strands with gentle precision. My fingers danced through his locks, weaving the hair into a neat pattern. I marveled at the formation of the braid and the way it added a touch of elegance to his usually untamed locks of hair.

It wasn't until I was tying off the first braid he turned to me with a confused look on his face, his hand reaching up to feel the braid I had just completed. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he felt the bumps and ridges of his hair in the braid. I laughed at his reaction, "Relax, I'm just braiding your hair, quit fussing," I gently reassured him.

Hesitantly he turned back to continue watching the TV. "Your hair is so soft after it's been washed," I commented as I began the second braid. Soon after I finished tying off the second braid and gently turned his head so I could admire my handiwork. "Huh, not bad actually," I commented.

"Can I see?" Larry asked eagerly. I grabbed my phone and handed it to him so he could look at himself through the camera. "I love it," he laughed, "can you braid my hair every night?"

"Of course I can, my love," I responded, admiring his appreciation for it. Something we both enjoyed. It was something so simple yet it made us both so happy. His eyes met mine once again with a mixture of gratitude and adoration.


381 Words

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