Fragile Feelings 💭❤️‍🩹 Isaacwhy

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Whilst the two of you had spent countless days together just talking, gaming, watching shows, and much more, you never expected to develop such intense feelings for your longtime best friend, Isaac. But you couldn't say you were surprised, your families had joked about it since you two were young and giggling together in his backyard treehouse.

Sure enough, as years became over a decade of knowing one another, you began to notice a change in you and Isaac's friendship. Lingering glances, accidental touches that left butterflies dancing in your stomach, and moments of silence accompanied by unspoken emotions that longed to be confessed. But the overwhelming fear of a ruined friendship held you back.

This looming uncertainty and fear began to creep between your friendship as you began to shy away from Isaac, hoping that a break could make everything go back to normal, or at least stop you from slipping up, confessing your feelings and ruining a life long bond. You figured this would reduce heartache but as it would turn out, the true heartache came from the absence of Isaac's presence.

You still spoke to each other, but it was mostly over discord and messages, you decided that would be the best way to avoid falling completely in love with him, maybe you already had but you definitely weren't ready to admit that to anyone - including yourself - yet.

But on a day out planned by mutual friends of yours and Isaac, you couldn't really avoid facing Isaac after months of physical disconnect. You were nervous but quickly pushed your nerves aside as Isaac approached you, a nervous smile playing on his face.

"Hey," he said softly, gazing down at you. "Long time no see," you replied awkwardly, hoping he wouldn't detect your nerves. But as the two of you locked eyes you began to discover the truth. The glint of adoration and lust that played in his eyes hinted at secret feelings similar to yours. Had he fallen for you too?

You realised that maybe risking your friendship was worth the chance of experience a love like no other.
Your heart pounded as you lips parted in a pathetic attempt at confessing your feelings towards him. But no words came out.

He smirked, the nerves that once betrayed his confident fascade slipped away as he took advantage at your obvious nervousness. "Finally ready to talk to me?" He asked, that familiar flirty tone lacing his voice. You gave him a sympathetic smile, as if to say, 'hey dude, sorry for totally pushing you out of my life cause I handle my emotions like a 12 year old girl, whoops.'

"I'm sorry, I thought it was for the best," you replied sheepishly. His smirk became a look of gentle concern, "what do you mean?" He questioned. "I just, I didn't know how to deal with my feelings... I really like you Isaac, as more than a friend." Your voice came out much more shakily than you had hoped it would and you couldn't help but avoid his burning gaze as you waited for his response.

"Thank fuck," he sighed, with a slight chuckle. Your gaze softened, finally allowing you to look him in the eyes again. "I feel the same way, I have for a while now." Isaac spoke again. Your heart pounded as you allowed a breath of relief to slip past your lips as you allowed him to pull you into a tight hug. His heart was pounding as well. You were glad you finally let your emotions out into the open, and even more glad that Isaac had felt the same way.

The two of you proved that true friendship could withstand the trials of romance, and that sometimes the greatest love is found in the person you've known all your life.


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