Late Night Gaming (HC's + Oneshot) 💭 Yumi

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◇ Definitely loses track of time easily, especially when he's engrossed in a particularly challenging or interesting game.

◇ You're very understanding and supportive of his gaming, knowing how passionate he is about it.

◇ By now you've learned to drown the noise out, even when you're sleeping in his bed only a few feet behind him.

◇ Sometimes when you're having trouble sleeping you join Yumi during his late night gaming sessions, either as a co-op partner or simply to watch and cheer him on.

◇ He notices you sleeping peacefully and decides to  finish gaming for the night, as fun as it is to stay up late online, he prioritises you and your sleep over anything.

◇ It takes him a little while to settle down, especially after he's been playing a particularly exhilarating game, but the sight of your peaceful sleeping face immediately relaxes him.



As the moon shone through the sheer curtains giving a slight glow to the dark room, Yumi found himself fully engrossed in a game of CSGO. Hours flew by and he lost track of time.

You had headed to bed a few hours ago, not really sleeping but just scrolling on social media as you waited for your boyfriend to settle down for the night. Yumi finally decided to call it a night, saving his progress. He shut down his PC and made his way over to the bed.

He gently crawled into bed, careful not to disturb your peace. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of you, so serene and beautiful even in the dim light. You placed your phone onto the bedside table and smiled lazily at him, adjusting the covers and gesturing for him to come cuddle.

As he settled in beside you, Yumi leaned over to plant a soft kiss on your forehead. "Sorry for coming to bed so late. I got caught up in the game." Yumi whispered, his voice soft with affection.

You yawned and snuggled closer to him. "It's okay, I really don't mind. As long as you're here now, that's all that matters."

Yumi wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. "I love you," Yumi whispered, his voice filled with genuine affection.

You smiled, eyes shining with love. "I love you too, Yumi. Always."

And as the night continued to unfold and a canopy of twinkling stars loomed overhead, Yumi and yourself drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each others arms.


409 Words

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