Reunited 💭 Larry Croft

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Cute lil childhood friends, to strangers to lovers between Larry and y/n 😋


Larry and Y/N had been the best of friends since their early childhood days. Growing up in the same neighborhood, they spent countless hours playing, exploring, and sharing secrets with one another. Their bond was unbreakable, and their families would often joke about the pair being inseparable.

As they entered their teenage years, however, life took a sad and unexpected turn. Y/N's family moved to a different city, leaving Larry and Y/N heartbroken and alone. Although they promised to stay in touch, the distance between them seemed insurmountable and disconnect became inevitable.

Years went by, and Larry and Y/N had long drifted apart, their lives turning into different paths. They experienced the joys and challenges of adolescence and young adulthood, but a part of their hearts always yearned for the friendship they had lost. A hole had been left in both their hearts since they'd disconnected.

One day, as if by fate, Larry and Y/N found themselves in the same bustling city, unaware of each other's presence. They had both pursued their dreams and found success in their respective fields. Larry had moved in with his 4 best friends and persued his dream of content creation, enjoying the presence of his friends whilst goofing around on the internet. Y/N had established a career in the literature industry, nurturing a love for storytelling and journalism.

Coincidentally, their paths crossed on a busy street, and their eyes met. Time seemed to freeze as they recognized each other, their childhood memories flooding back in an instant. With wide smiles and open arms, they embraced, feeling an electric connection that had never truly faded. Their hearts were finally full.

As they caught up on years' worth of stories, laughter, and shared memories, Larry and Y/N realized that the bond they had as childhood friends had only deepened with time. They decided to rekindle their friendship and explore the possibility of something more.

Larry and Y/N spent days with each other creating new memories in the city while cherishing their shared history with visits to their home town. They shared late-night conversations in the long abandoned treehouse they used to converse in, stargazing on rooftop terraces, and taking long walks hand in hand through the bustling streets. It felt like they had never been apart, as if their souls had always been intertwined.

Their friendship blossomed into a love that was both familiar and exhilarating. They supported each other's dreams and aspirations, finding solace and inspiration in their shared passions.

Their journey from childhood friends to strangers to lovers was not without its challenges, as they navigated the complexities of life and their own personal growth. But through it all, Larry and Y/N remained each other's rock, their unwavering support guiding them through the storms.

In the end, their love prevailed. Larry and Y/N realized that their childhood friendship had laid the foundation for a love story that was meant to be. With every shared laugh, every stolen glance, and every heartfelt moment, they knew they had found their soulmate in each other-the one they had always been searching for, right from the start.


~ 531 Words ~

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