Late Night Snack Trip 💭 Softwilly

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No matter how hard she tried, y/n just could not get to sleep. It had been months since they had had more than a few hours of sleep to keep them going during the day. Luckily, Nick was more than understanding. He was always there for y/n and happy to help comfort y/n during these hard nights. Whether it be staying up watching movies, playing games, chatting or just simply enjoying each others presence.

During on particularly sleepless night, y/n had an idea. They heard the sound of keyboard keys clicking away and knew he was likely either chatting to friends on discord or playing a video game of some sort. They sat up in bed gently getting up trying not to startle him. Feeling their presence behind him, Nick turned to meet y/n's tired face as they approached him, a guilty and defeated look on their face with Nick's blanket draped around their shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I just can't sleep tonight," y/n whispered. "It's ok, wanna play?" He replied sympathetically, gesturing to the screen in front of him. Y/n smiled and shook their head, I was thinking maybe we could go for a walk to like 7/11 or something? Only if you're up for it though," y/n suggested. Nick's eyes lit up with excitement, "no that's sounds fun!" He replied. "Ok, cool!" Y/n replied with a sweet smile.

After gathering their belongings - phones, keys, shoes and some cash - the pair were off. As they walked in silence with the slightly cool summer breeze grazing their skins, y/n couldn't help but gaze at Nick with adoration filled eyes, thinking about how lucky they were to have someone as caring as him. But Nick wasn't as oblivious as y/n thought he was. He averted his mindless gaze over to y/n, whose eyes widened like a deer in headlights. Nick chuckled, "What?" He asks between his laughter. Y/n stays quiet in embarrassment with a shy and tired smile playing on their lips.

Nick gently intertwined his hands in y/n's and grazed his thumb over their hand, the coolness of his rings sending slight goosebumps up y/n's arm as their muscles relaxed. Even in silence, Nick had a way of placing y/n's mind at ease, all their troubles melted away with his presence. As they continued to walk, they laughed and joked, their hushed voices escaping into the tranquil air of the night

Finally the pair arrived at the small store, it's flouresent lights contrasting with the darkness off the night, y/n browsed through the aisles, Nick following closely behind her occasionally poking fun at her for their indecisiveness.

With their final selection of snacks and drinks, they paid and headed out of the shop and into the ambience of the summer night, instead of just heading home however, Nick suggested that they find a quiet spot to enjoy their snacks together.

After a few minutes of walking, they settled at a park bench under a canopy of twinkling stars, the soft glow of the streetlamps casting a peaceful atmosphere around them. Nick wrapped his arm around y/n and pulled them closer as they chatted and enjoyed their snacks.

As the night grew colder, y/n snuggled closer to Nick, seeking his comfort and warmth, he wrapped his arms tighter around their shoulders and allowed them to rest their head against his chest. The gentle thump of his heartbeat added to the peaceful ambience of the night. The world around them fell away as they found solace in their shared embrace, allowing the time to pass them by.

614 Words

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