Ei pov:

The events of 500 years took a heavy toll on me,in eternity of pain and endless suffering consumed me. Anger and guiltiness lingers in my mind never leaving. The pain and guiltiness of losing my only sister.Oh makoto... you knew you wouldn't win so why did you risk your life-? Why did you still fight anyways? Why did you die meaningless?

If only I had been there sooner then prancing around like a child making dumb puppets to carry the gnosis? Then to be at your side.

If only I had been with you that day, you'd still be alive, the others would have still been alive also.I'd cry bitterly never forgiving myself for the many deaths that could have been avoided if I only hadn't been so ignorant.

I'm sorry my last words were harmful. I'm sorry I had gotten angry at you. My only regret is that mother wouldn't teach you how to fight. The way she disregarded you but yet you come to find a nation. The foul things many would say of you behind your back, without your knowing.

Makato- I miss you bitterly please forgive me.


Third person:

The purple haird archon was unconscious in her old chamber just the way she had left it all those years ago. Much of it was dusty and covered with cob-webs in a few corners. Miko was there admiring her face.She had a rbf but yet it was found fond to Miko. (resting bitchy face🤡🤡),

While she slept peacefully.Her face angery but at peaceful is what Yae Miko seemed to notice a lot when she spent her days at her side . "Ei I cant believe your back after all this time.." She moved a strain of hair from her face and admired her beauty.

The door slides open and closed slightly as foot steps ascended towards them. She felt a soft light hand being placed on her shoulder. It was her fiancé, a shrine maiden she had met from one of the other well known- shrines on a nearby island. " Akira, dear you startled me!"

She had only taken on her response to marry her so she could distract herself from ei leaving for so long, but yet she don't really care for her. Yae Miko knew that as time passed on, her "lover" would soon decease into nothing but a memory to her.

She giggled faintly but focused her gaze back on the archon. "Love you've been here all day it's starting to get late let's head back to our room." Miko nodded and stood up while Akira held her hand leading away to their room. " Akira, do you think she will be the same again?" Akira looked up and her and sighed,
"To be honest love,I know you were her familiar in the past, and the sudden notice of her leaving so sudden was hard on you but, it's best if you just let it go. Don't you agree?" She stepped in front of her stopping her and grabbed her hands. "Love please , for us. Please let go of the past." She sounded worried-sum and anxious. Mikos expression was very hesitant but soon gave in with a sigh."Very well, I shall try my best to contain myself and let go." Akira gave a small kiss on her soon-to-be-wife's cheek. " goodnight love I shall see you tomorrow" she smiled and walked away to their chambers. Miko stood there as there hands slipped away and wanted to check on the archon one last time before resting but came to find her missing. This panicked the shrine maiden and she rushed around looking for her along with guards to help.
Middle of the night
Ei pov:
I opened my eyes slowly rubbing them then yawned. I glanced at the celling to find it different from where I'd usually wake up to. I was confused ,I'd rarely ever leave the Plane of Eumythia if only to check up on inazumas well being."What the..." I tried to sit up but I felt a shock of pain run up my spine sending it through out my body. I fell back on the bed and groaned. "Shit!" I squeezed my eye shut and layed there feeling helpless.

I heard the sounds of rushing feet coming my direction. Something was off but familiar, but I still had to leave. I turned to my side to see Musou no Hitotachi resting on a nearby table. I noticed it was broken shattered to be more exact. My eyes grew in shock, how did Musou no Hitotachi brake?It was an unbreakable sword but yet it rests on a table shattered in pieces.

The one thing makoto had left me is was shattered and was beyond fixing. I need to leave. It was my only chance of safety. I forced myself to sit up and felt pain eating at me but I couldn't give up. "D-don't give up on me now!" I grunted and stood up hobbling to Musou no Hitotachi. I grabbed its holder and stuffed the pieces into a bag I made out of the curtains I had torn.

I began to make my way up the wall and forced my body to carry itself. Although it hurt like hell, I needed to get out of there. I bit my tounge to hold back screams and other sounds that would potentially give me away.

"Damn it This useless body.." I leaned against the wall and made my way through the hall ways. I held the wall with my dear life and slightly peaked out to the hall checking that no one was there. I spotted no one and limped quickly to the next to see a window. A way out.., I thought and hobbled faster to the window.

I had gotten my hopes up a bit to much when I saw the window was locked. " locked windows...? This is something I haven't seen.." I whispered under my breath struggling to unlock the window. Just after I had opened it and was about to step out i heard a voice. "Naughty naughty shogun.." That voice, it sounded familiar but rash and mischievous.
"Do you dare go against me? The god of eternity and lightning?" I turned my head slightly and gazing upon a pink hair kitsune lady. She had a dirty smile on her lips. Rushing feet of heavy feet approached our direction. "What the fuck do you want from.." I hissed at the lady who only giggled a little. "Oh Ei your the archon, how could we possibly let you leave?" She summoned her catalyst and had one arm on her hip.

"So, how shall we do this ? Hm? The easy way where you simply don't cause any fuss and all of this could all be resolved peacefully no one will get hurt. Or the hard way where you force me to use my vision and you end up hurt. So easy way or hard way?" I growled at her and held Musou no Hitotach tight. "I'd rather not go with you and you let me go." She sighed and rolled her eyes." Oh come on Ei don't make this harder than it should be!"I had enough talking to her , she stared to get on my nerves. I held Musou no Hitotach tighter and ran at her. Ready to plunge an attack. "Shine down!" I got ready to strike but as soon as I moved my sword down to hit her she dodged it. No one has ever dodged any of ny attacks before.

I fell to the floor winching in pain. "AGH!" I rolled across the floor and lost grip of my sword. It was only a few feet away from me I couldn't give up this quick! I started to crawl my way but I felt something hard and heavy placed roughly digging in my back. "Nuh Nuh naughty. Did you really think you could escape that easily Ei? Especially in the the state your in." She smirked again, I could feel it crawling on me even without looking. "What do you want from me!" I tried to move but she only dug her foot in even harder.

"You left your nation In shambles and you expect to leave again?! Oh my archons, Ei your smarter than this." She sighed, " but alas you chose tha hard way and there are consequences." Just as I as about to open my mouth I felt something sharp prick me at my side. A dart. I felt my body giving up again. "You sly fox! You shall pay for this!" I used the last bit of energy I had and grabbed my sword slashing her just above the knee. "OW! SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!" She stepped back and held her wound. I felt drowsy and fell into the pool of darkness again.
Sorry for the slow update I wasn't feeling well and I had some things to deal with but I'm also working on a cynari fan-fic <3 probably the first chapter gonna be long .. gonna try to write a lot more !1!1!

-to be continued

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