The quiz

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Heizou was sweating. He couldn't get any time to study on the quiz and he felt as if he was stressing out. Still, he took the time to estimate how much he revised over his studying to see if he could debate the possible result that he could get. But as he thought about it, he knew that he was overthinking again.

There in the corner of his eye, he saw Alhaitham with a bunch of books sitting on his desk. He was reading annotations on chemistry equations. Boy, who knew what could be on his mind all day long. He was thinking big, and had a mind of the entire world. He eyed Kaveh at the opposite side of Alhaitham and he didn't seem too prepared. He was also trying to read books to last minute revise before the teacher handed out the quiz papers.

The classroom door opened and Heizou jolted as a familiar guy came into the room. It was Kazuha. He apologised to the teacher for being late and walked his way to sit behind Heizou.
"Heya," he greeted.

"Hey Kazuha," Heizou turned around to greet Kazuha. "Why were you late and where's Scara?"

"Oh, just some things to deal with. Scara ended up in another class all by himself and he got a bit upset," Kazuha chuckled awkwardly.

"Aww dang. I hope you two will have a class together today," Heizou optimised.

"Thanks," Kazuha appreciated Heizou's optimism. "Scara is usually one to be fine by himself, but for some reason, he can't find himself to let go of me." Kazuha raised a hand to his mouth, as if to bite his nails in worry of Scara.

"We'll check on him during break, then we can ask if he was ok," Heizou got a hand to Kazuha's shoulder and he let his nails out of his mouth. His crimson eyes felt a wave of relief from what Heizou said. In that moment, the two felt like they had some sort of mental strengthening for each other.

"Welcome class to your Science Quiz. This quiz won't take too long, so I expect you all to finish at the end of the lesson," Ms Raiden was walking around with a heap of papers stapled in 5. Heizou was sweating heavily, telling himself "it is going to be ok" and "it's only five pages."

As soon as Heizou and Kazuha got both of their papers, they were about to flip the paper to the first question to start. As Heizou started flipping the first paper, he heard Kazuha's voice behind him encouraging him with a, "good luck."

He felt a bit hot because not many people seemed to tell him good luck before a quiz, but hearing Kazuha encouraging him got him feeling confident over the quiz. He turned around towards Kazuha to whisper a, "good luck to you too, sweetheart," and Kazuha felt himself smiling and chuckling to himself a bit.

Thirty minutes went by and Heizou was stuck on a question. He felt embarrassed to call the teacher over to help him. He gritted his teeth, knowing he should've studied if he got the chance.
He tried to look behind him to see if he could get help from Kazuha, but felt a bit awkward doing so. As he kept looking back while trying to make a sentence to not sound stupid, Kazuha noticed his actions.

"Need some help?" Kazuha whispered and Heizou looked back immediately.

"Page number 4 question 12," Heizou sighed.


Heizou gave a thumbs up to Kazuha and blew him a little friendly kiss, "thanks," and he turned around to write down the answer.

Kazuha stared at Heizou, a bit red, but went back to his last question.

An hour and twenty minutes had passed. Heizou finished the quiz just in time and looked over at Kazuha who was still looking over his answers. He admired the dedication that he put into it. Then Heizou looked over at Kaveh who seemed to be finished, but he looked stuck. Heizou quietly got up from his chair, trying to not disturb Kazuha behind him and went over to sit next to Kaveh.

"Hey Kaveh," Heizou sat next to the blonde guy. There were migraines printed all over his head. "Woah, you don't look too good. You ok my man, the quiz got you up all night, did it?"

"No no, the quiz would be the least of my concern right now," Kaveh sighed as he stared tiredly at Heizou.

"You wanna give me a quick info about what's going on?" Heizou's brows furrowed as he saw his friend in need of help.

"It's just him again," Kaveh whispered and averted his eyes to someone at the opposite side of the room to signal Heizou. "That's what's been keeping up all night. I can't get it out of my head so I tried drawing buildings to help me get my mind back."

"Did the two of you argue again?" Heizou laid his head on his arms against the table.

"No, it's just... Alhaitham seemed to be quite... uh, how do I put it to words?" Kaveh stuttered as his head fell to the edge of the table. "My roommate seems to be acting a bit too nice especially last week. I suspect that he might be out of his mind or maybe planning something to make me a fool of myself."

"I'll watch out for his whereabouts if you want," Heizou offered.

"Wow, most appreciated. Thank you Heizou," Kaveh lifted his head from the table. "I'll treat you to lunch this weekend for your kind offer."

"No need, I just happen to understand Alhaitham a little bit. Alright, see ya," Heizou smiled, returning to his seat again to see Kazuha looking out the window.
"We,ll go and see how Scara is after the 2nd period," Heizou sat down as he saw a subtle gloom look in Kazuha's eyes.

"Yeah, sure we will," the eyes fluttered a bit.

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