Chapter 11

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The very next day, Charlie woke up with a very different attitude. A more positive and determined one. She got up with a smile on her face, got dressed, got the kids up and ready, made their lunches while Alastor made breakfast.

"Here we go." Alastor said handing out plates of eggs, toast, and bacon to each child at the table. "Bon appetit."

"Thanks Dad." The kids said.

"Your breakfast is ready too Charlie." Alastor said. "Made everything just how you like it. Eggs runny, bacon not too crispy, and apple butter with your toast."

"Oh thank you." Charlie said in a tone expressing gratitude.

She joined the others at the table and when she ate her meal, she found that it was not only exactly how she owuld have preferred it but it was delicious. Probably better than anything you could get a restaurant.

"This is delicious Alastor." She said. "You're a very good cook."

"Thank you. My mother taught me."

"She taught you well. If I may ask, how come you don't cook more often?"

"I don't have time to cook very much. My job keeps me very busy. Almost too busy."

"You need to take a break Dad." Aaron said.

"And you need start getting busy at school." Alastor said. "I got a call from your teacher yesterday, you got a D on your grammar test. That's unacceptable."

"I'm sorry Dad. I'll do better."

"Homework is to be done as soon as you come home and want you studying for at least an hour the night before a test."

"Yes sir."

"I'm serious Aaron. One more bad grade and you're grounded until you pull it up."

"Yes sir."

After breakfast, the kids were sent off to the bus stop and Alastor left for work. Charlie then got started on her usual chores. It was difficult and at times frustration, but she didn't forget her promise. She had promised to make things up to Alastor and to be a better mother to her children. She cleaned the house from top to bottom and then went to the market to buy groceries for dinner. By the time the kids came home, the house was spotless and she already fixing supper in the kitchen.

"Welcome home." She greeted with a smile. "Now remember what your father said, homework is to be done first thing."

"But I don't get homework." Carrie said.

"Then you can help me in the kitchen, the rest of you start pulling out your books and pencils."

"But Dad said only Aaron has to do his homework first." Louis said.

"Well I think that should apply to all of you because you have a lot of energy and it should be put to good use. Like bringing up your grades."

"Our grades are fine." Ella said.

"Oh yeah Ella, straight C's, really impressive." Aaron snarked.

"I think you can do better than C's. Now all of you get started on your homework now and when you're done I'll look over it."

"Why do you need to do that?" Louis asked.

"To make sure that you actually did your homework and didn't just rush through it."

"But we don't want to do our homework right now." Ella complained.

"Then I guess I'll just be serving you two only vegetables for dinner."

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