Chapter 15

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"Okay now Louis, careful with the eggs. We don't want to get any shells in there." Charlie instructed her son. "And when you're done, I want you to whisk them together."

"I want to whisk the eggs Mommy." Carrie complained.

"Oh don't you worry, Carrie, you have the most important job." Charlie said. "Adding the chocolate chips to the dough."

"Oh boy!" The little girl said getting excited.

"This is great!" Ella said mixing the flour and baking soda together in a separate bowl. "Dad never lets us make cookies."

"He doesn't?" Charlie said.

"No." Aaron said getting out the milk and sugar. "I doesn't like us to have sweets, says it'll rot our teeth."

"Well too many sweets will do that, of course." Charlie chuckled. "But once in awhile won't hurt anything. Besides, as long as you keep your teeth clean and see a dentist regularly, your teeth will never rot."

"We don't go to the dentist." Louis said.

"You don't?"

"Dad says we can't afford to." Aaron said. "We don't have dental insurance. That's why he doesn't let us have a lot of sugar. If we get a cavity, he can't to get it filled."

"I just hope none of us need braces." Ella said.

"Aaron might. Everybody says his teeth are crooked just like Dad's."

"My teeth are not crooked!" Aaron argued.

"Are you kidding? There as crooked as a question mark."

"Are not!"

"Are to!"

"Are not!"

"Are to!"

"Boys, no fighting." Charlie warned.

"You know Dad once told me that Grandma couldn't afford to get him braces, so she used barbwire to straighten his teeth." Louis said.

"That's not true!" Aaron argued.

"Yes it is! And Dad's probably gonna have to do the same thing to you."





"Boys!" Charlie spoke up, this time more firmly. "Stop bickering or I'm giving all the cookies to your sisters."

"Sorry Mom." Both boys said apologetically.

"Hey where is Dad anyway?" Ella asked.

"He's out bowling with Uncle Angel tonight." Charlie said.

"Really?" Aaron said skeptically. "Cause it's pretty hard to go bowling without a ball."

Aaron pointed a finger over to the open closet and at the top, Alastor's bowling ball could be clearly perched at the top. Charlie started to become suspicious.

"He probably forgot it." She improvised, not wanting to worry the children until she got all the facts first. "Come on, let's finish these cookies."

While the kids were distracted enjoying chocolate chip cookies and milk after dinner, Charlie picked up the phone and called Vaggie.


"Hey Vaggie."

"Oh hi Hon, how are you?"

"Fine, listen Vaggie, do you know where Angel is?"

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