Chapter 9

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Meanwhile in Las Angles, Seviathan was having the time of his life. For the past few weeks since he had left Charlotte, he had been using his money and his new 'single' status to throw lavish parties, drink, gamble, and fool around with painted ladies. As for the staff, if they thought working for Charlotte was awful, than working just for her so-called husband was even worse. He worked them night and day, barely letting any of them have a moment's rest. At times he didn't even let them sleep. They were exhausted.

"I love L.A!" He said dancing shamelessly with three young women in two-pieces. "I love all my starlets! Now what were your names again?"

"Verosika Mayday." Answered one especially attractive one with long pink hair.

"Verosika! I love it!"

Seviathan pulled her into an equally shameless make out session. Moxxie came up with more drinks and could help the disgusted expression on his face.

"Took you long enough!" Seviathan said. "We almost had to wait. Well don't just stand there! My guests are thirsty!"

"Yes sir."

Moxxie started pouring drinks and handing them out to the women.

"Well hi there handsome." Said one girl called Coco. "Don't you look all cute in your little butler get up."

She approached Moxxie seductively and slid her arms up his chest, looping them around his neck.

"What do you say you come along with us into the next room and make our foursome a fivesome?"

"Oh...Um...Well as tempting and flattering as that is." Moxxie said feeling very uncomfortable. "I'm afraid I must refuse. I'm married, you see."

"Happily married?" She asked puckering her lips.

"Happily married." Moxxie quickly slipped out of her arms. "And for the record my wife is the violently jealous type, so for your own sake, please don't flirt with me."

"Your loss."

"And now my sweet, a little token of my affection for you." Seviathan said clasping a French-cut necklace of diamonds around Verosika's neck.

"Isn't that Mrs Von Eldritch's necklace?" Moxxie asked.

"Yes but it suits Verosika better." Seviathan said groping her breasts.

Moxxie also noticed that Coco was wearing Charlotte's ruby earrings and the the third girl called Apple was wearing Charlotte's diamond bracelet.

"So that's where her jewelry has been disappearing to." Moxxie thought.

Suddenly he heard the phone ring from inside the yacht and went to answer it.


"Hello Moxxie," Came the polite voice of Lilith. "I'd like to speak to my daughter please."

"Oh..." He replied, slightly nervous. "One moment Madame."

He went back outside and on to the front deck.

"Sir, forgive me for interfering in your...Affairs. But I have Mrs. Morningstar on the line. She's asking for Mrs. Von Eldritch."

"Damn!" He cursed. "Tell her I'm not here!"

"Pardon my saying this, but is that wise?"

"If she's anything like her husband, she'll believe anything I say. Now if you'll excuse me."

"But sir, I used to work for Mrs. Morningstar and I have to warn you that she's by no means a dumb blonde."

But Seviathan just tuned him out and continued to drink and fornicate with his new lady friends. Moxxie quickly exited the scene before it became too nasty for his liking, and then resumed speaking on the phone with Lilith.

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