Chapter 6

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After signing release forms and getting Charlotte or rather Charlie some proper clothes to wear for the time being, Alastor put her in his truck and the two went on home. His home to be exact.

"So what was I doing in the middle of the ocean?" Charlie asked during the drive.

"Diving for oysters." Alastor lied.

"What? Why?"

"You were tired of having chicken and sandwiches for dinner every night. You wanted to have a little variety. But oysters don't come cheap you know, so you just go out and get em yourself. At least they're always fresh that way."

"That doesn't sound like something I'd do."

"Well we would all beg to disagree."


"The kids."

Charlie paused and slowly turned to look at him with an expression that was somewhere between shock and fear at the very notion.

"We have...Children?"

"Oh now that's real sad dear, I was sure that you would at least remember our four little gifts from heaven."

"We have four children?"

"Yep! Of course you always wanted nine. We'll just keep trying, huh?"

Charlie looked like she was going to be visibly ill which made Alastor smirk.

Soon they reached the bayou and the very small but cozy house where Alastor had lived in since he was an infant.

"Welcome home dear!" He said opening the truck door for her.

It was something that was known as a "Creole Cottage" which was 1½- stories tall, two rooms wide and two rooms deep, with sidegabled roofs, and tall, narrow gabled dormer windows. At first Charlie just sneered at the place. Seeing it as nothing more than a dirty hovel that should be condemned.

"We live here?" She said.

"Yes." Alastor asked.


Alastor only chuckled again and escorted her inside. She was just about to object to Alastor's claim that she lived here but a getting a closer look at the establishment, she once again felt a sense of familiarity. Like she had been here before. The door, the windows, the walls, the colors, something about it all did tease her memory.

However once they were inside the house it was suddenly impossible for her to think because all she could hear was screaming and all she could see was destruction. In the first room she entered she saw four children spreading as much chaos as possible. One was a boy, obviously the oldest who at the moment was trying to light firecrackers,  across from him were a set of boy and girl twins fighting over a slingshot, and the last one a little girl, was just coloring on the walls.

"Come on, light you stupid matches." The oldest boy said annoyed.

"Drop those! Aaron what have I told you about playing with fire-crackers?" Alastor said taking the matches from him.

"I was bored." The boy complained. "There's nothing to do around here, except watch tweedle-dumb and tweedle-idiot try to kill each other." He gestured to the twins.

"I wanna use the slingshot Ella!" The boy twin said pulling on one end of the item in question.

"Too bad Louis!" The girl twin said pulling the other end.

"It's my turn!"

"It's my slingshot! Auntie Vaggie gave it to me! Not you!"

"Older siblings should have access to younger siblings toys!"

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