Chapter 1

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Based off of the 1978 movie Overboard.

It was a dreadfully hot day in New Orleans when Alastor received the phone call from visiting millionaire Seviathan Von Eldritch. As soon as he finished the conversation, he immediately picked up his tool box, straightened out his hair and clothes, and headed straight for the harbor, as giddy as he could be. The man just couldn't believe his luck. Mr. Von Eldritch had caught a shark while fishing off the coast of New Orleans and he intended to mount it on his wall, so he called in New Orleans's best taxidermist, Alastor Devalcourt, and was going to pay him six-hundred bucks to get the job done. The taxidermy business had been dreadfully slow and the bills on his house, water, heating, and electricity were just getting more and more difficult to pay. Poor man feared that he was going to have to dip into the grocery fund to pay for it all. But the extra six-hundred dollars should be enough to cover everything.

He arrived at the yacht around 9:00 in the morning. For a moment, he just stopped gazed upon the incredible sea vessel. It was as elegant as it was massive. The outside was painted pure white and clean to perfection, and through the windows, he could see that the inside was sumptuously furnished, with the kind of taste and elegance only New Yorkers enjoy. He never was particularly fond of places like New York. Too busy and commercial for his liking, though he wouldn't be opposed to seeing a Broadway show up there once.

"Hello?" He called out. "Mr. Von Eldritch?"

A man who stood at the top of the yacht looked over the railing. Looking down on Alastor. He was good-looking, nautically attired, but somewhat anaemic. He briefly made a disgusted expression, not pleased with the presence of such a rural looking man.

"Hello, are you Seviathan Von Eldritch?" Alastor asked.

"I am." He said. "Who are you? State your purpose."

"It's me, Alastor Devalcourt. The taxidermist you hired?"

"Oh yes. You. Wait right there, I'll have Moxxie let you in."

Seviathan went inside the yacht cabin to make the arrangements with his butler Moxxie, who at the moment was serving Seviathan's wife. A stunning blonde, richly dressed, and bearing a cold-stare, she was called Charlotte Von Eldritch née Morningstar, and unfortunately for everyone on the yacht, she was in a really bad mood today. It was because New Orleans was the last place she had ever wanted to be in, or rather the last place she ever wanted to return to. Her father was a sugar baron and he first set up his business in Louisiana so Charlotte was born in New Orleans but she was about seventeen, he moved his business up North to open his own factory. It had been twelve years since then. She never thought she'd ever come back but then the engine of her husband's yacht broke down right as they passing through.

"I don't suppose it occurred to you to have the boat examined before we left?" She snarked to her husband.

"Why should it?!" He snapped. "This yacht has never broken down, not in 20 years!"

"Or been serviced, apparently. I can't believe I was lunatic enough to go out in the open sea in one of your heirlooms."

"This is the Von Eldritch yacht, kings and Presidents have been entertained on this yacht, the least you could do is appreciate it."

"I'd appreciate it a lot more if it had closet space." She then turned to their butler. A short but charming man, who had a polite and sweet disposition yet a bit of an attitude. "Moxxie, how long did they say it would be before the engine would be fixed?"

"Well Madame, Blitzo says that depends on the availability of the parts, around two days." Moxxie answered.

"Two days? Obviously the innards of this boat are a complete mystery to him."

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