part one

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"Iris!" I hear my mom yell across the house. "Yes, mom?" I reply back. "Mom?" no answer. "Mom, did you call me?" again, no answer. "MOM, DID YOU CALL ME?" guess what? No answer. Oh my God, I hate when she does that.

As I stand up from my bed that I so unfortunately had to leave, I check the time on my phone. It was 7 am. Wait what? 7 FUCKING AM? Who on earth wakes up their daughter at 7 am on a Sunday, huh? Oh yes, my mother dearest. I swear if this is another deep cleaning day when she decides to renovate the whole house I am gonna jump out of the window.

While walking down the stairs, I hear weird noises coming from the kitchen. Since I live only with my mom, I assumed that it was her, but the second I opened the door I was blinded by voices. I stood in the doorway, confused, trying to understand what on earth was going on until I spotted my mother standing in the middle of the crowd that was in our kitchen. It took me ten whole seconds to realise that in front of me were situated my mom, dad and three close friends of mine.

"Umm, hello?" I say unsurely as I walk over to my parent and hug them. "May I ask what is going on and why there are so many people here at seven in the morning?" I hear my dad chuckle "Well,hello to you too, dear" "Dad, what are you doing here?" I ask as I turn to look at him, a confused expression plastered on my face. "I thought you were supposed to be in Singapore for your work trip, no?"

"Well, your mother called to tell me some exciting news that I couldn't miss, so I flew here yesterday evening." Ok, now I am even more confused. "Do I have to ask why you three are here?" "Oh, I invited them" my mom jumps into the conversation. " I thought you would like some of your friends to be here for this moment." "WHAT MOMENT? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON , ALREADY?" I scream as i my nerves reach the point. I never was a morning person and this whole thing that was happening for sure did not excite me. "You woke me up at seven am for what? To tell me nothing? Surprise, you could've done that at 12 pm, there would be no difference!"

"Ok, look we will explain everything now, no need to be upset." My dad said as i glare up at him. Haha, no need to be upset.
"Iris, go check your laptop real quick" Tammy says. I glance at them, not understanding what my laptop has to do with this. I walk over to the kitchen table and sit down.

I fire up my laptop to see that email was open. Still confused I scroll down, trying to find something. While doing that I glance over the screen at the little crowd to see them all staring at me. As I scroll, my eyes catch something. Oh god, no way. It was an email from my dream university. They were supposed to send it this week but I completely forgot about it. Good job, ma'am. Your whole life depends on this email and you forgot about it. Gotta start drinking omega 3, heard it helps with memory, since I have the memory of a fucking platypus.

As I click on the email, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. Damn girl you gotta chill out. The link opens and I see a letter in front of me. Not just a letter, but an acceptance letter. I stare at it for couple seconds before reading:

"Dear, Iris Evans.

Congratulations! It is with great pleasure that we inform you of your acceptance to the architecture program at the University of New York, B.U.A.F.E. You have been given this opportunity in recognition of your personal and scholastic achievements.
We have enclosed a starter package with this letter so you can familiarise yourself with the campus, opportunities and facilities we offer. Feel free to reach out to us at any time, and we would like to make the transition as easy as possible.

We look forward to having you at our university this upcoming academic year.


I blankly stare at the letter, trying to hide the emotions that were erupting in me. I look up at my friends and parents to see them looking back at me with excitement. Then, I slowly shook my head from side to side, hiding my smirk.

My mom gasps and runs up to me, pulling me in to a hug, as she starts sobbing. Dad continues standing there, staring at the ceiling and my friends were also running up to me. Noah, the blond weirdo that somehow became my friend dropped to his knees and put he's hand to his chest "Iris my love, don't worry. We still love you even though you are dumb enough not to get to college. I will put you in my pocket and we will live together in my dorm" he says with a very dramatic voice. "Yes Iris, don't worry, those assholes don't deserve you anyways." My other friend Lily says. "You are better than that" Said Tammy.

I couldn't hold anymore so i bursted out laughing. They all stared at me with confused faces "Iris, love, you good?" Noah said as he started backing away. "Yeah, girl, you feeling alright? Is it some kind of reaction to bad news that you have?" Tammy asked.

I look at them, take a deep breath and say

• • •

okkk, first chapter done, not that bad right?

light in the darkness | tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now