part six

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As i step inside after Ella i see her in front of me hugging two guys. I stare at them for a moment before one of them pulls away. "And who is this young lady?" he asks as the other one looks at me. At first l though that my time finally came and l was hallusinating because I was staring at two identical people until I realised that they are twins.

"Iris" I say as i form a fist for a fistbump. "Axel, Alex" they say in unison, extending their fist at the same time, that ended up colliding together. They both glare at each other before one of them spoke. "Excuse my brother" he says with a smile as the other one rolls his eyes. "I am Axel, and this is Alex", he said, turning his head towards his brother. As he spoke i could hear an accent but i couldn't  understand what it is. Something between french and italian i would say.

The twins looked identical, the only difference was the clothes that they were wearing. Both of them were extremely tall, black hair and dark brown eyes. Their faces were perfectly shaped, sharp jaw line and cheekbones that could cut sharper than a knife. The one on the right, Axel, was wearing black boots with black slacks and a white shirt, that had the top buttons undone. The brother on the left, Alex, was a wearing a similar outfit. Same black leather boots and slacks but instead of a shirt he was wearing a black compress t-shirt that was perfectly hugging his muscular arms. Just by a look at them you would feel small and awkward. Their faces looked too serious and if they weren't smiling you would think that they want to kill you. I can't imagine a person like Ella being childhood friends with them. On the other hand, something about them was really charming so even if you try to avoid it, you will stare at them.

"Pleasure to meet you" i said with a slight smile on my face. "Same here" said Alex. When he spoke i was a little surprised because his voice was way deeper than his brothers. Damn, and i always thought that twins have the same voices. I wonder what else is differ—

"So girls, are you ready to have some fun tonight? We have a small surprise since its the grand opening. Oh and by the way, Iris, if Ella haven't informed you, drinks are on the house. Or on the club, think of it however you want." Alex said with a chuckle. "Oh, don't worry, i already informed her about that, its basically the only reason we are here" Ella says as we all start walking towards the entrance. "Yeah, sorry guys but free tequila hits different" i say as the brothers grin at each other. "Well Axel over here, is a big fun of drinking competitions so why don't you two compete against each other tonight?" Alex says as a smirk forms on his face. "Bet" i say as i stare at them.

As we walked towards the entrance, a big line full of young people and teenagers was formed there, all of them excited for the opening. The two brothers guide as to the front of the line, where two big security guards were standing. "Girls, meet Anton and Nikolai" Axel says as he nods at the two guards. "This are Ella and Iris, i want you to remember them and always let them in without having to wait in the line". He continues as he stares at the two massive men. "Ok boss" they both say with a thick russian accent. God damn, where did they find them. I have the feeling that if one of them is gonna sneeze, the whole neighbourhood is gonna collapse.

"What are yall waiting for? Let's go!" Alex says with excitement as he throws his hands in the air. The twins personality is nothing what you expect to when you see how they look like. It's like that one character from Tangled. The grumpiest man possible that could kill with his eyes, that ends up being a little sunshine that loves unicorns.

We walk into the club, feeling the music buzzing in our ears. You could see some teenagers that already got drunk, standing next to a staircase, laughing and flirting with each other. The two brothers stop next to the stairs that were leading somewhere down.
"Ladies first" said Axel as he gestured towards the stairs. Ella goes first as i follow her behind. The music was getting louder and louder, more teenagers and more alcohol. The whole place smelled like liquor, weed and drunk teenagers that were crazily dancing and jumping around.

light in the darkness | tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now