part ten

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"We are Europeans, of course we overdress for every occasion" said Ella and of course now I was running around my dorm room, looking for the perfect "first day of uni" outfit. Today our classes finally start which I am very excited about Not like I ever was a big fan of school, absolutely not. I hated school with my whole heart and I am glad that those years of hell are finally over and I can finally start learning something I am actually interested in because knowing that mitochondria is the power house of the cell isn't very useful.

As I pulled my baggy jeans on and almost tripped on them in process, I glanced at the clock and my eyes widened as I realised that I was extremely late. First day of classes and I am already late. Fabulous. Yesterday after we got back to my dorm, Enzo and Ella were helping me to unpack everything i got so now my room looks like a trash can and i am the racoon living in it. As I quickly put my converse on i grabbed my shoulder bag along with my phone and opened the door just to get bamboozled by shirtless Tom that was standing in the kitchen and reading something on his phone.

"Jesus Christ, put some clothes on" i said as i glanced at him with my brows furrowed. He looked up at me, looking completely uninterested as his gaze falls back down. "I didn't ask for your opinion, did i?" He mumbled as he continued scrolling through his phone. It was too early in the morning and i was already late so i didn't have much time to argue with him. I glanced at him one more time before walking towards the door and leaving the dorm.

I practically sprinted to the building next to our campus where our lectures are supposed to be. Today the first class was art which i was very happy about. In high school i was always made fun of by my classmates because the art teacher loved me the most. Like, excuse me? Not my problem that you can't hold a pencil properly. When i entered the building i glanced around in awe. It was literally massive, like i entered Hogwarts or something. Tall ceilings, big panoramic windows that were allowing the morning light to flow through them so the whole place was full of light and air. Big and elegant staircases with beautiful railings carved from dark wood. From the outside the building looked plain in my opinion but on the inside it was a completely different thing. It looks more like a museum rather than a university.

I woke up from my trance and remembered that i have a lecture now so i walked up the stairs to the second floor into one of the long hallways and entered the art room. I opened the door i spotted a bunch of students sitting by their desks and a funny looking what i suppose was a teacher. A short woman with extremely curly blue hair that was flying in all the directions and i noticed a few painting brushes stuck in it. Interesting. She turned her head and looked at me, speaking in a high pitched voice "Iris Evans?"

I froze in the doorway and nodded "Yes ma'am" She turned her gaze back to the notepad she was holding and wrote something down. "You're late young lady, take a seat" I nodded ones again and closed the door. As i walked to the back of the class some students glanced at me and then my eyes caught  someone's familiar eyes glaring at me. I turned my head slightly and spotted  Emily - Toms girlfriend or whoever she is. She was sitting on the front desk and her eyes were burning a hole in the back of my head as i walked to the only unoccupied seat in the further back of the class.

I threw my bag on the table and slumped down into the chair, feeling my body relax as i leaned further into it. The professor continued speaking to the rest of the class meanwhile i looked around, observing the lab. I yawned slightly and tilted my head to the side to look at the rest of the room and my eyes landed on the guy sitting next to me. He was extremely tall and even though he was sitting he was still towering over me. Why are all the guys so tall here? Do they write their height in the application letter or something? I looked him up and down, taking in his looks. Even though he was tall, his body was still toned which was visible from the loose shirt he was wearing. Black baggy jeans were hanging from his hips and a belt with a shiny reignstone buckle was visible from his shirt. His fingers were heavy from the amount of rings he was wearing and i noticed that he's ears were pierced as well. In general he looked very stylish... like he walked straight out of my Pinterest board.

I looked at his rings again and nudged his shoulder slightly to get his attention. He turned his head and looked at me making me realise that he's asian. No wonder why he's dressed so good, i fucking looove their fashion sense.

"Cool rings" i said quietly as i nodded towards his hand. "Oh...thank you" he said with a shy smile. "I like your rings too" he whispered so the professor doesn't hear us and i whispered back a "thank you". His cheeks turned a light shade of pink and he immediately turned away. Was that blush? Seasonal allergies? I don't know.

I shrugged slightly and turned my attention back to the professor who started giving us the list of art materials we need to get for the class. I swear, only rich kids can become artists because even if they don't make money they have rich mama and papa to give them some. So not fair. And the art materials? I'll have to spend half of my monthly budget on them which means that i'll be surviving on cigarettes and instant noodles the whole month. Love college life

The lecture continued for an hour and the professor who's name i still don't know and don't really plan on knowing asked us to introduce ourselves. I hated this part since elementary school and this wasn't an exception. As i sat up on my chair i said my name and that i am from Croatia, i believe thats more than enough for them to know. On the other hand, the guy that was sitting next to me got extremely uncomfortable and awkward when his turn came and i felt bad for him when the teacher told him to speak louder. At least i found out that his name is Kyo, he's japanese and he's here to get a degree in fashion.

"Oh and i am also very popular around campus so don't be surprised if you hear about me all the time" Emily said with her annoying high pitched voice. That lopsided busted up radiator looking bitch almost made a whole power point presentation about herself but thank god the projector wasn't working today. I genuinely wonder why Tom likes her. We have so many beautiful, smart and nice girls on campus and yet he chose that questionable thing. When she spoke, a group of girls that were sitting next to her started laughing like she just said the funniest thing ever. Jesus christ, she has her own minions too?


Finally after a long day of lectures where all we did was listening to our professors lives and watching pictures of their dogs, I was walking back to campus to drop my bag off because I still had to go to an art store to get all the supplies that the professors told us to get.

I threw my keys on a stand by the door and walked towards my room. Opening the door I groaned, realising that all the boxes were still there and that I had to deal with them. With a soft sigh I sat down on the floor and started ripping apart all the boxes so it would be easier to carry them outside. When I was done, I stacked them together and grabbed my wallet before walking towards the door.

This whole time Tom was sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching me with his eyes narrowed. "What?" I glared at him as I opened the door. "Take the trash out since you're leaving" he said and turned away. "You're too heavy for me to carry" I mumbled and walked out of the door, chuckling softly when I heard Tom yelling something back at me.

heyy everyone! (6 people that are reading this)
i am gonna try and write more and if anyone is wondering why tom is not appearing much here then I have one thing to say.
and I am also gonna change the narration so it's gonna be written in third person and not first.
that's it, thank you👹

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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