part eight

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I woke up from muffled voices that where coming from the other side of the door. I groan slightly and roll in my bed, accidentally kicking off my purse that went flying to the floor with a loud bang. The sound echoed in the room making my head ache. I groan ones again and sway my arm from the bed, trying to pick up the purse with one hand.

When i finally touch the leather material, i wrap my fingers around it and pull it back to bed. Still not looking, i open it shaking it slightly and fill how the content of the purse falls on the pillow next to me. Moving my hand on it i try to find my phone when i touch something small and hairy. Confused i turn my head to see what on earth that is. I open my eyes and blink few times, my vision blurry. My eyes finally focus and i see and small gnome figure in front of me. That's interesting. I tilt my head upwards, inspecting what else was in my purse. I spot a shot glass, few leafs, projector remote control, a lighter and some other rubbish. Where the fuck were we last night?

Slowly i sit up on the bed, holding my head and look around confused. I try to remember what happened last night but my memory was completely empty. One of the side effects of tequila is that its all fun games until you wake up not knowing where you are and remembering absolutely nothing.

I carefully stand up and my head immediately starts spinning. I fall back on the bed and my ears start ringing. Great. I take my phone and unlock it. Maybe there's something in my phone that will help me remember something. I click the gallery app and watch as the icon pops up on the screen. Scrolling down a little i spot a bunch of new pictures and videos. I click on them and watch in shock. On one of the videos was me and Ella singing with a bunch of red heads in what i assume was a pub. I raise my eyebrows and swipe to the next image. It was a picture of me with leafs and sticks combed in my hair.

Now even more curious i swipe ones again and come across a video of me and Ella climbing trough a fence of someone's house. The house was small and had a yard. I zoom in and see a few garden gnomes different size and colour plastered all over the yard. I turn my head towards the gnome that was on my pillow and back to the screen. The next second it was me and Ella hysterically laughing and climbing back trough the fence.

We stole someone's gnome. We stole someone's gnome??? How much did we drink last night. Seeing more than enough i throw the phone across the bed and try to stand up again. I stumble across the room towards the mirror and take a look at myself. I groan slightly as i see my face smudged with mascara and eyeshadow all over it, hair looking like a nest and surprisingly clothes that magically weren't turned apart. I take everything off and slide on some basketball shorts and an oversized T-shirt. I walk towards the door and open it expecting to see no one.

The second i open the door i get blinded by a bright light. I shut my eyes and curse under my breath. Ones i open my eyes i walk in the kitchen and drag myself to the sink. I haven't realised how thirsty i was until that moment so i bend over, turn the tap on and basically inhale the water. While drinking i hear someone whisper behind me. Confused, i turn around and see Tom standing in the doorway of his room with another guy. He was probably the tallest person I've ever seen. He was dressed in all black. Black boots, black jeans and leather jacket with spikes all over it. I move my eyes to his face and notice that he looked familiar to Tom. Same eyes, nose, lips. His hair was pitch black, styled in a interesting way like he came from the 2000s. We make eye contact and i notice an eyebrow piercing similar to mine and black eyeshadow around his eyes.

"Jesus Christ, you look like a homeless" Tom said while eyeing me up and down. "Good morning to you too" i mumble as i turn back to the sink and drink more water. "Who's that?" I heard the other guy whisper. "His roommate unfortunately" i say and straighten up. I walk toward a cupboard and open it, hoping to find some pain killers or aspirin. They both continued watching me like i was some animal that ran away from the zoo.

"I am Bill, Toms brother." The guy says as he approaches me. "Poor you, I wouldn't want a brother like that. Can't imagine how much you suffer with him" i mumble while opening another cupboard. "I am Iris" i say and turn to face him. Bill looks at me and chuckles softly. "What?" I ask bluntly. "Umm you have... hold on." He says and i watch his hand move to my head. I feel his fingers in my hair as he takes something out of it. He pulls his hand back and shows me something that was laying in his palm. I take a closer look and realise that it was yet another leaf. Did we fall into a bush or something?

"Shit." I say as i look at his hand. "Where were you last night?" Tom asked. Me and Bill turn our heads to look at him. "No fucking clue" i say and walk away from Bill to the fringe. "Went to some club and then blacked out." I search up the fridge, the only thing in it being some Chinese takeout. I grab the box and close the fridge. "That's mine" Tom said in annoyance. "Sharing is caring" i say and my eyes land on yet another guy that was sitting on an inflatable flamingo on the floor. "Why is there a fucking flamingo in here" i ask, widening my eyes. "That's a question to you, not me." Tom says as he walks up to me and tries to take the box away. "You barged in here last night with that pink monster" he grabs the box and tries to pull it to himself.

"Hey, dont insult Bob like that." Exclaimed the guy that was sitting on the bird. I yank the box away from Tom and turn my head to the guy. "Oh, i am Georg." He said with a little wave. "Iris" i nod slightly and look back at Tom. "Give it" i pull on the box. "Nuh uh" he yanks it back. "The fuck you mean 'nuh uh'?" I glare at him. "Show some sympathy to a hungover woman" ones again, he takes the box away from me and puts it back to the fridge. "Asshole" i mumble and turn to walk to the bathroom. "Freak" he says back. "Watch that little mouth of yours." i yell back.

Unfortunately, there was only one bathroom that we had to share. I open the little cabinet behind the mirror and stare at the shelves that were full of Toms stuff. I pull my hand and push everything from the last two shelves. Theres no way that asshole is taking up the whole bathroom. The door was open and Toms head pops up in the doorframe. "What the hell are you doing?" He stares at all his stuff that was in the sink and on the floor. "Clearing up the cabinet?" I glance at him with annoyance. "Oh my fucking god" he yells out and walks to his room. "Why you?" He yells again. "Out of all the people, i got you as my roommate. So many girls would give their life just for me to look at them and here i have you acting like a bitch." He yells even louder.

"Hey, shut it." My head pops out of the door. "Why would anyone possibly want you to look at them? I would rather poke my eyes out" he turns around and look at me furious. "You dont really know who we are, do you?" Bill asked with a slight smile. "Why would I?" I turn my head to him. "Wait, she actually doesn't know?" Georg asked as he propped himself on the elbows, the flamingo making an annoying noice. I flinch at the sound, feeling my head buzzing a little. "Can someone tell me already what the fuck is going on?" I ask impatiently.

"Well, we are kinda famous" Bill trailed. "Kinda really famous" Georg added. Tom glanced at them and nodded slightly. I stare back at them. "Who are you people?" i asked and Bill chuckled softly.

"Ever heard of Tokio Hotel?" He raised his eyebrow. "Maybe." I try to remember something but due to the hungover my mind was blur. "Ok, if i do, what's the point?" I raise my hand and twist it in air trying to make them talk faster. "The point is" Bill continued "that we are pretty famous and as Tom mentioned, many people would really love to be our roommates." He cringed a little at his words. "Ok eww" i mumbled and hoped back to the bathroom, locking the door.

Few minutes later after washing my face and transforming from Groot to a normal human being i yell from the door. "Does anyone have aspirin?" I stop moving to hear the response. "No" Tom yelled back. I groan slightly and brush my hair. After i finish i step out of the bathroom and the next second a small box was flying in my direction, hitting me in my head. I turn to the direction where it came from and yell at Tom. "What is wrong with you?" I glare at him. "You're welcome" he blurted out. Bill and Georg chuckled and both of them sat on the sofa. I bend down and pick up the box, seeing that it was aspirin. Thank god.

light in the darkness | tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now