part two

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"Iris!" Oh god, not again. This time instead of yelling around like a sociopath and getting no answers, I went downstairs to find my mom, running around the place and crashing everything on her way.

"Iris, love, this is a catastrophe." She says while sprinting past me, her light brown curls flying around. "I can't find it! I searched everywhere, literally everywhere and I can't find it. I think my brain is gonna explode and you will have to stay here forever to take care of me" she says turning to me. "Mom, what are you even looking for?" I ask looking around. "Your passport of course"

"Ma, passport is in my bag, along with all the documents." I say turning to look at her. "Oh, but are you sure?" She asks, a sheepish smile growing on her face. "Maybe you can stay here for a couple more days or weeks? Few months wouldn't hurt anyone." She says, reaching her arms to me. "Mom, you know that I can't" I say smiling,  pulling her into a hug. "It's already time for me to leave, the semester starts only in three days! You don't want me to be late, do you?" "Well...?" She trails "Mom!"

"Ok, ok Iris, don't be upset. I just don't know how I will live here without you for a whole year!" She says, sadness in her eyes. "Oh, mom. I'll be calling you as much as I can and I will be telling you all the gossips." I say with a warm smile. "You sure?" "Absolutely"

• • •

"Moooom, we are gonna be late!" I groan at my mom. "Iris, honey, I am driving as fast as I can" she says before honking at the old man in front of us. "Cant you just switch lanes? Go to the left and we will be able to pass that douchebag" I say, pointing at the road. "Iris, language!" My mom explains. "What? I am just speaking the truth" I say, shrugging.

"Stupid Google Maps. Do I need to take this exit or the next?" She asks. "The next one, mom" I say smiling. Oh how I am gonna miss her. Mom was my closest friend and the only person I can trust with my whole heart. It's really upsetting that I wouldn't be able to see her for a whole year.

• • •

"Move!" I yell at the young couple that was standing in front of us. We already arrived at the airport and were trying to find a parking space. I spotted one right next to the entrance but some dude thought that eating his girlfriends face was way more important than letting people park on the spot they were standing at. Jeez, I hate couples.

As my mom presses the gas pedal, the couple jumps out of the way. They started yelling at us but i just glared at them, a devilish smile growing on my face. Well deserved, bitches.

I check myself in the mirror before hoping out of the car. Another thing that i for sure will miss is our car. It was a vintage, dark green, kinda emerald colour Mercedes from the 80 that belonged to my dad. We used to go on road trips in it all the time. I walk around  it to take my black, leather, spiky backpack and my suitcase. It feels so weird, standing here and looking at it. How on earth my whole life managed to fit in a suitcase, unbelievable. No, it's actually believable. I had to sit and basically squeeze it to death in order to close it.

As I put the strap of my backpack on my shoulder and take out the handle of the suitcase I turn to look at my mom. Oh god. That woman is gonna be the death of me. She was standing there, bawling her eyes out and avoiding eye contact.

"Mom?" I say with a smirk. "Are you crying?"
"No, of course not. I never cry, you know that. I think I just have some dust in my eyes" Aha yes for sure. Dust my ass. What size is it supposed to be, to make a middle aged woman have a breakdown? "Come here" I say, pulling her in a hug. "Oh Iris, I will not survive this" she cries out. "Yes, you will, now stop crying. You are gonna ruin my clothes." I say. "Haha, so funny" she sarcastically says, turning her head to me. "I love you, Iris." "Love you, ma"

light in the darkness | tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now