Yukimiya x Reader

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Allow me to introduce myself, I'm (Y/N) (L/N), and I proudly hold the title of being the sole female player in Blue Lock. Impressive, isn't it? Surrounded by a multitude of exceptionally skilled male soccer players from all over Japan, which can undoubtedly be quite daunting. However, that's precisely what fuels my determination to showcase to the world just what this girl is capable of!

The day was filled with bright sunshine, marking one of the precious moments of respite during our break from Blue Lock. We, the Blue Lock Eleven, had recently emerged victorious against the U20 Japanese team, a squad that boasted the presence of none other than the legendary Itoshi Sae! Even now, the thrill of that triumph lingered in our hearts. It was an immensely gratifying win for both the team and me.

As I strolled along the path of the outside world, a realm I had been deprived of during the intense soccer camp, I sensed a gentle tap on my shoulder. To my delight, it was none other than Chigiri Hyouma, my closest friend whom I met at Blue Lock. Our friendship blossomed from an unexpected common interest—hair care, of all things. Yes, you heard it right. We both took meticulously and, dare I say, painstaking care of our luscious locks, and that's how our bond was forged.

"Ah, finally inhaling pure, refreshing oxygen!" Hyouma exclaimed with a deep breath.

"Hehe, absolutely! Goodbye to the unpleasant, musty locker room air," I chuckled in agreement.

"So... (Y/N), any plans for the next two weeks?" Hyouma inquired.

"Hmm, honestly, I haven't really thought that far ahead," I replied, scratching my head. "And what about you, Hyouma-kun?"

"Hmmm, I'm actually thinking of spending some time with my mum and sister since it's been a while... They watched our match against the U20 Japanese team, and I must admit, it was quite embarrassing," Hyouma confessed, his head drooping in embarrassment.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Hyouma-kun! They watched because they love and support you! I wish my family could have been there too, but they were all occupied with work..." I said, a tinge of disappointment in my voice.

Hyouma looked up, his expression softening. "You're right, (Y/N). I shouldn't let embarrassment overshadow the fact that my family cares about me. I'll cherish the time I get to spend with them."

I smiled warmly. "That's the spirit, Hyouma-kun! Family moments are precious, and it's important to make the most of them. I hope you have a wonderful time with your mum and sister."

Hyouma nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, (Y/N). And hey, if you ever need someone to support you, count on me. We're teammates, after all."

"Absolutely, Hyouma-kun! I'm glad to have you as a teammate and a friend," I replied, feeling grateful for his support.

Hyouma's face brightened with a smile, and he extended his fist towards me. Without hesitation, I met his gesture with a firm fist bump, sealing our bond of camaraderie.

"Aah, (L/N) and Chigiri?" a familiar voice called out.

As we turned around, a figure caught us off guard - Yukimiya Kenyuu. Now, I must confess, this is a secret shared only between Hyouma and me, but during my Blue Lock journey, I've developed a hidden interest in him. Yet, I have no intentions of revealing my feelings at the moment. After all, we're not even that close...

"Hey Yukimiya! How's it going, man?" Chigiri greeted cheerfully, extending his hand for a high-five.

"Not too shabby. And yourself, (L/N)?" Yukimiya replied, reciprocating the high-five with a friendly smile.

Blushing, I stumbled over my words in embarrassment. "O-o-oh! I-I... I'm sorry! Wait, no, I mean... I'm doing well! Hahaha..." I stammered, internally facepalming myself.

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