Isagi x Reader

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The Blue Lock field, despite its imposing design, had become a second home to me. My heart fluttered with adrenaline every time I stepped onto the pitch. As the only female eligible for Blue Lock, I felt a mixture of pressure and pride. I had proven that I could keep up with the boys, and not just anyone - the very best.

I knew all of them well, we shared our dreams, our jokes, and our competitive spirit, but there was one in particular who I had known even before all this - Yoichi Isagi.

Isagi and I had been best friends since our initial encounter, our fates intertwined through a shared misfortune - we were the only two who had lost against Kira Ryosuke.

"Hey, Isagi!" I waved at him across the pitch. He looked up, his eyes lighting up as they met mine, and gave me a warm smile.

"Hey! Ready for practice?" He asked, and I couldn't help but feel the shyness creeping up on me. It was strange how I could face a crowd, but one smile from Isagi would turn my cheeks as red as a ripe apple.

"Yes! Ready as ever," I responded, trying to sound more enthusiastic than nervous.

Our practices often found us working closely together. Isagi was always there, supporting me, guiding me, and making me feel like I belonged. It was these moments that I cherished, but also the ones that had me tripping over my own feet.

One day, during practice, Isagi seemed particularly concerned. We had just finished a scrimmage and I was chatting animatedly with Asahi and Bachira.

"You're quite talkative today," Bachira noted, his tone playful. "You're usually not this chatty during practice. What gives?"

His curious eyes were on me, and I shrugged, letting out a small chuckle. "Why, can't a girl be excited about a good practice?"

"Sure she can," Bachira laughed, flicking a stray soccer ball with his foot. "But it's not just the chatter. You're glowing. Did something happen?"

His question hung in the air, a little too close to the secret that I was hiding. But I managed to play it cool. "Maybe I'm just happy to be here with you guys," I said, my smile a little too bright.

Just then, I caught sight of Isagi, watching me from the corner of his eye. He quickly turned away when our gazes met. It wasn't like him to act so distant.

After the day's activities, as the setting sun cast long shadows on the field, Isagi approached me. His face was serious, a look I wasn't quite used to seeing on him.

"You've been different around me lately," he said, causing my heart to skip a beat. My brain was working in overdrive, trying to think of a plausible explanation that wouldn't expose my true feelings.

"What do you mean?" I tried to play it cool, but I could feel my face getting hot.

"You're more talkative with others... but when it comes to me, you're always so...reserved," he said, his voice gentle. His observation hit the nail on the head and I stood there, shocked. Is it that obvious? Does he know?

His gaze was intense, and for a moment, I thought I could see a hint of hurt in his eyes. It was that look that did me in.

"I...I'm sorry, Isagi," I finally confessed, my voice just above a whisper. "I'm just...nervous around you. Because...because I like you, Isagi. More than a friend."

There was a silence that seemed to last forever. I looked up at Isagi, my heart pounding against my chest like a drum. His face was unreadable, and for a moment I was afraid I had ruined everything.

But then, a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He reached out, ruffling my hair like he often did when we were just friends, but this time there was a tenderness to his touch.

"I'm glad you told me," he said. "I've special you are to me for a while now. But I didn't know if you felt the same."

My heart nearly burst with joy at his words. It was scary to admit my feelings, but now, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

In that beautiful moment of relief and unspoken acceptance, Isagi took a step closer to me, his eyes never leaving mine. The world seemed to fade away, and it was just us standing there, under the fading glow of the setting sun.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with sincerity. He leaned in, gently cupping my face with his hand. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver down my spine.

My heart pounded in my chest, the world around us blurring into nothingness. Our faces were mere inches apart now, our breaths mixing in the crisp air. He glanced at my lips, then back at my eyes, as if asking for permission.

I nodded, giving him the silent approval he sought. And then, his lips met mine in a sweet, tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with the pent-up emotions we'd been holding back for so long, a seal of our shared feelings. My heart sang with joy, my body buzzing with an indescribable feeling of happiness.

We pulled away, our faces flushed and our hearts racing. We stood there, hand in hand, simply enjoying each other's presence in the silent tranquility of the twilight.

From then on, Isagi and I grew even closer. Our shared passion for soccer became the foundation of our budding romance. We were the same as before, only more open and more in sync with each other.

Upon finding out about us, the boys' reactions were diverse and priceless.

Asahi was the first to react. He blinked, wide-eyed, before attempting to cover up his surprise. "Wait, what? You two are...?" He paused, looking at our hands intertwined, and then broke into a wide grin. "Well, I guess that explains a lot. I'm happy for you both!"

Next to him, Bachira doubled over in laughter. "You guys finally admitted it, huh?" He shook his head, chuckling. "The tension was so obvious. About time you both confessed!"

Chigiri, usually so boisterous, was taken aback and speechless for once. He simply stood there, eyes wide, and nodded in approval, offering us a thumbs-up once he found his voice again. "Wow, you two...that's amazing. Congrats!"

Kunigami's reaction was the most surprising. He stared at us, then at the ground, his expression unreadable. Then, sighing as if he was losing something precious, he said, "I should've known, with all the time you two spend together. It seems I owe Nagi a dinner."

Their reactions were varied, but it didn't matter. Isagi was beside me, squeezing my hand reassuringly, and I was ready to face the world with him.

We might have lost a match to Kira, but in the grand scheme of things, it felt like a small price to pay. I was part of Blue Lock, I was with Isagi, and together, we were ready to face whatever came our way.

I couldn't ask for anything more.

A/N: Yay! Together at last! Thank you guys so much for reading! Leave a comment or dm me for any requests!

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