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Okay, things to know, Ebony was able to work with Xehanort because they both had bad thing happened in there life.

Ebony suffering while she was some what helpless seeing others being in a simliar situation while Xehanort lost the people he cared adout the most died in front of him.

Ebony and Xehanort/ Xemnas work as co leaders of the organization 13.

Vantias would follow Ebony orders since she is the princess of darkness unless she give Xehanort to command for a bit, so she can do her own part if need to.

Now for the x blade sistuaion during kingdom hearts 3, on whos gonna wield it, well I see Xehanort wielding it first before then it goes to Ebony.

In which the sora and the other lights have to somehow convince Ebony not to go through the plan.

They'll possibly learned adout some of her past by somehow going through her memony either in castle oblivion or in the realm of sleep during the mark of mastery exam.

They won't find out there

They won't find out their a charater from a video gmae so there won't be memorise of that since, the univirse want to ensure no ome would use Ebony to know adout her old world, who knows some things that happen in most of the games.

Ebony would go along the timeline knowing she'll get the x blade not when it appeared in BBs but in Kingdom hearts 3, just to make it clear.

Now for the wings, they'll be glowing wings that look like birds on both when Ebony is in her human form when she actives them and in her heartless form or when she summons her heartless so pretend it there.

I hope its very informitive because kingdom hearts can be things a bit confusion but hey that what happen when things get changed in storylines and things like that in games sometimes.

Hope you'll enjoy the book

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