Lets begin the plan

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Xehanort have been trying to be pataint with Ventus but was getting a bit rash.

But Ebony was able to do better then Ventus with her training, though that might be because she is able to be insync with the darkness better then others.

So he might excepted a bit much a bit too fast.

But no matter, as long Ebony trys to keep on the path of how things happen in the games, they'll both get the x blade eventully.

What Xehanort gonna do is the first step to getting closer to the x blade.

Ebony was sitting ontop of a tall rock, Ventus didn't even noticing her as he was surrounded by heartless that Ebony summoned to help Ventus train and to use the darkness.

The good thing is Ventus does not even know adout her, she always hid her self when Ventus was around, you never knew if Ventus does remember something he could say he saw a girl using darkness and Eraqus could of go to find her to do something adout it.

Ebony wanted to ensure the plan would work.

Ventus: Please don't do this master I'm not strong enough!

Ebony thoughts: Really? Please if Sora can fight the heartless with maybe some help from Goofy and Donald then Ventus should atleast try to fight these guys.

Xehanort: No because your trying to hold it in.
Let the dark impulises awaken in the pit of your heart, release them here and now!
Sharpen your fear into rage!

The heartless then started slowly closing in on Ventus.

Xehanort: You must!
If you do not let the storm within you run it course, it will wipe you off the face of the world.
Make no mistake!
Do it!
Emdrase the darkness.

Xehanort: Produce for your master the x blade!

Ebony slapped her hand onto her head, Xehanort can bit a rash sometimes but she didn't like how Xehanort bascily told someone their after x blade itself.

Oh well Ventus won't remember this and he won't know adout it untill near the ending of BBS.

Then a heartless jumped onto Ventus who screamed and didn't put up a fight.

Ebony thoughts: Gees, What made Ventus forget how to fight he was able to do it during the times of fairy tales but now.
Aleast he'll be able to fight in a few years.

Soon after Ventus get dog pilled by the heartless, Ebony came down and called them off.

Ventus was laying on the ground on his front, Xehanort walked over as Ebony gave a annoying look at the blond boy.

The heartless didn't even hit him! They just dog pilled onto the boy and he then knocks out she guess.

Ebony: Really? This blond boy didn't even try to fight back?
The heartless didn't even hit him, just dog pilled onto him!

Xehanort: I know.

Xehanort then lookes at Ventus with an dissapointed look.

Xehanort: Really?
You would rather die then use the power.
Feckless Neophyte.

Xehanort then used his foot to Roll Ventus onto his back.

Xehanort: IF I must.
I will exstract the darkness from within you myself.

Xehanort then summon his keyblade, no name.

Then the old man hold the handle of the keyblade using both hands and hold the weapon adove Ventus chest.

Then uses it power to send out an beam of light which hit Ventus chest causing the boy eyes to open.

A ball of light came out before it was then covered in darkness and took a form a boy in a helmet dressed simliar of what Riku wore when possesed by ansem/ Xehanort.

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