Phase 3

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Ebony was watching in hidden on top of the castle, she have found Kari, One of the seven princess of pure light.

She'll have to keep her in mind so She came come for her when the time comes.

Ebony then watch the interaction of a child with such innocent with Aqua.

She watch with jealousy as it happens, she wished that her family was such welcoming to her when she was a child when she still had a heart with light she guess.

But that too late now, she'll make things right even if she have to continue this path full of darkness and be a villain in order to restart a better world.

She then watch as Kari reunites with her garndmother and then leaves to continue her part of this master plan of theirs.

There was three big unversed trying to find each other as the three keybalde wielders chase them.

Soon Ventus, Terra and Aqua came met up with each other and then summoned their keyblade.

The three unversed comdined together creating a big flaoting unvsred.

Aqua, Terra and Ventus fought the monster, it took awhile since it was a unversed to defeat.

But they were able to weaken the unversed a bit giving them a chance to strike.

Aqua: Terra!

Terra: Ven now!

Ventus: Com'n.

Aqua striked first and then the two boys bit the finale hit togethe4 against the unversed.

The unversed fell apart and soon turned into smoked befire then vanishing.

Terra, Aqua and Ventus thought it was over untill they heard a horse like cry.

Then the siren heartless came down from the sky before floating adove them.

It then sang and mist of darkness and negativety started coming from everywhere before being adsored into the red gem.

The three only noticed the darkness and not the green mist.

Terra, Aqua amd Ventus then fought the heartless, but they didn't noticed that it also comsuming more power from others as it others already heard it song and people slowly started act negativly.

The fight last a bit before the Vanshied making the three they destoryed it but it only used the some smoke to escape through a dark portal back to Ebony.

The three then discall their keyblade, Terra and Aqua ran up to Ventus.

Terra: Got em.

Aqua: We make a good team.

Ventus: Sure do.

Ventus then remembers adout the tickets.

Ventus: Oh yeah!
I got you these tickets.

Ventus then pulls out three tickets to show to his friends.

Terra: For what?

Ventus: Life time passes to Disney town.

Ventus then gives two of the tickets to his friends.

Ventus: He said to-.

Ventus then remembers what scrooge said.

Ventus: He said ti take two grown ups.

Ventus put his ticket away.

Aqua: You mean us?

As soon as Aqua asked her question, the two grown up laughted and then put their tickets away as well.

Aqua: Listen to me Ven..
We need to get you home.

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