phase 4

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Minnie happily ate the ice cream that Ventus was able to make using the mechine and enjoyed it.

Minnie: Mmm, how yummy.
What are wonderful treat!
I don't think I've ever had such delicous Ice cream.
Thank you.
Uh, oh, oh dear.....

Minnie didn't know the boy name so the blond told her his name.

Ventus: Oh, Ventus.
Just Ven is fine.

Minnie: Well thank you Ventus.

Heuy: Way to go, Ven!

Louie: I see.... we had to push the thingama jig the other way.

Dewey: Hey I just got an idea.
We could let our customers make up their own favourite flavors of Ice cream!

Pete: Not with that Machine.
Well... the kid mighta got it to work this one time but Junk like that needs to get junked!

Minnie then stops Pete from doing anying else to the machine.

Minnie: Don't you dare Pete!

Pete: Fine but Captain Justice will Return!

Pete then runs off while Ventus ask Minnie adout Pete.

Ventus: Adout Captain Justice.
You said his name is Pete?

Huey: Yeah!
He's the biggest troublemaker in town!

Dewey: I bet he just callin' himself Captain Justice because He wants to win the Million Dreams Award.

Ventus: Whats the Million Dreams Award?

Minnie: That one of the dream Festival events.
Everyone votes on who they think is the most exemplary Citizen.

Ventus then figures out what Pete meant by Vote.

Ventus: I get it.
So that he meant by Vote.

Louie: And if you win the award, you get a really cool prize!

Minnie: Oh, it's just a small token, nothing elaborate.
The event is suppost to help us apprate how much we look out for each other every day.
That's the spirt of the award.

Ventus: Well thats sounds nice enough.

Huey: Pete just want to gets his grubby hands on the prize.

Dewey: And he knows nobody gonna vote for him if he put his own name on the ballot!

Louie: But Nobody fooled!

Heuy and Dewey agreed with their brother and laughed.

Ebony completes agrees with the three boys as nobody is that dumb enough in this world is seem to be fooled by Pete.

In other world maybe because No one knows him and will just believe him until they find out the truth adout Pete.

Like Pete tried to do with Ventus but failed as he was acting as a hero is not that good and his past history of being a troublemaker doesn't help in this contest.

Ventus: Wished somebody was looking out for me.

Ebony sensed Aqua as the female master keybalde weilder has arrived.

She then went to spy on her and then Pete Appeared again still in his Captain Justice get up as he trys with Aqua this time.

Pete: Tada!
Wearin' a mask of peace and hope!
Comes the fearless defender and hero of this townit is me Captain Justice!

The dark princesss had to keep her laught in as she saw it happen again.

It reminder of those Magical girls or boys anime but more super hero like but in a funny way.

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