Phase 2

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Terra is in space on his gilder, as he goes to a different world to continue his search for Master Xehanort.

Terra then hears a familar voice calling out to him.

Xehanort: Terra.

Terra: Master Xehanort!

Xehanort: Terra, Come see me at once.

Terra then finds where Xehanort is and goes to the world.

Terra sees that master Xehanort is in a world with a a sandy dessert.

Terra then sees Xehanort waiting for him.

Terra: Master Xehanort.

Terra lands infront of the keyblade master before then calling of his glider and his amor.

Terra now stands infront of Xehanort, going to ask him some stuff adout why he did some stuff at the worlds he been to.

Terra: I have been to other worlds.
I know all  adout the things you've done.
I just don't understand why.

It time for Xehanort to use his acting skills.

Xehanort: Someone had to safeguard the light...
From the demon I unleashed.

Xehanort: You must know adout the boy by now, the one in the mask and that girl too.
The boy name is Vanitas.
A creature of pure darkness, one of my making.

Terra: Vanitas.

Terra now know the boy in the masked name and then thought did the boy came from Master Xehanort.

Terra: Are you telling me, he came from you?

But what Xehanort said next shocks Terra.

Xehanort: He came from Ventus.

Terra: Ventus?!

Xehanort: Yes.

This shocks Terra to find out that Vanitas is came from his friend Ventus, someone he cared adout.

Xehanort: Vanitas is the darkness that was inside your friend.
It was an accident, while training with me, Ventus succumed to darkness and There was but one way to save him.

Xehanort: Strip that part of him away and thus Vanitas was made.

Xehanort then turned around so Terra wouldn't see his true expresion while tries to sound sorry.

Xehanort: In the process, I damaged Ventus heart in the most horrific way.
So I did what I felt was right, and left him with Eraqus.
I knew the boy couldn't have stayed with me.
The man who have caused him such grievous harm.

Terra took a moment to adsorb the information before then walking over to Xehanort.

Terra: Master Xehanort.
Ventus have gotten a lot better since then.
You shouldn't blame yourself for trying to save him.

Xehanort: Well thank you lad..
You know how to put an old man heart at ease.

Terra them had a flash back on when and how, he and Aqua first met Ventus.

Terra now realised that Ventus reason for not remember anything and staring blank for sometime before he gotten better was because master Xehanort trying to save Ven from the Darkmess that tried to take over him.

But then Terra wonders one thing.

Terra: Master, Why is Vanitas still free?

Xehanort then turns to look at Terra.

Xehanort: Ahh yes.
Well, I did my best to contain him at the moment he emergerd, but...

Terra: He managed to escape.

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