phase 1

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While Terra headed off doing his Mission unkown to him Ventus is followkng him with Aqua following Ventus to bring the blond boy home.

Ebony and Vanitas was doing their part causing some chaos while feeding on the negativity being produced.

Maleficent was told of the seven princess of heart, using her to gather them but that will take him as a backup plan to some of Xehanort goals.

Ebony arrived to a world where Cinderella lives, one of the seven princess of heart she may be.

Ebony knew that she could easyly make the evil step mother do something more for her daughters.

Vanitas came along with her and soon the choas started, Vanitas summond Unversed to wreck haveck on the people whil Ebony goes to find the evil step mother and daughters.

Ebony approach Tremaine, Anastasia and Drizella.

Tremaine: Who are you and how did you get into our home?!

Ebony: I'm sorry Ms but I couldn't help but overhear that you wanted one of your daughters to marry the prince, correct?

Tremaine: Yes but are you here for the prince?

Ebony: Oh no, you see i'm not intrested in the prince, hes not a kind a man i would consider dating but what if there was someome else who would steal the prince attation away from your daughters?

Anastasia: You mean there could be a women who could steal our chances being with the prince?

Ebony: Oh yes, I remember seeing a beatifull blond servent who could steal his breath away I mean I gotten jealous when I saw her.
Image she was in a dress, that would even make me super envy.

Tremaine: You mean my servent?!

Ebony: Yes.

This made the step mother and twins angry which made them leak out some negative emotion and some darkness which Ebony pendent cosumed.

Ebony soon left saying if they need her help with taking care of anything she'll be there.

Later on.

Ebony was happy eating the negative emotion of Cinderella who was crying but Terra came along and so did that fairy god mother who use her magic to fix and chamge cinderella dress and made a carrgie ride out of pumking and mice into horses.

Soon Cinderella left, with Terra Following behind and Ebony going there.

Ebony gotten there and Vantias left some Unversed which she used to make then surround the princess of heart to stop her from reaching the prince but Terra came running up the stairs amd fought them of which all of the Unversed Vanshied.

Ebony silenty groaned but habe to remember that  she must follow the events of bbs happens as it does in the game or any too much change could never lead to the making of the keyblade.

Cinderella open her eyes and saw Terra and gasped.

Cinderella: I've met you before.

Terra: I'll take care of them, you'll wait right here.

Ebony rolled her eyes, geez so is all of the way finder trio are suppose to be some kind of knights because their amor give of that impression, heh, Cinderella shining amor.

Cinderella walked closer to Terra.

Cinderella: Please May I go with you?
I so want to get to the ball.

Terra was thinking adout before deciding.

Terra: Alright but stay behind me or you'll get hurt.

Cinderella does not seem to be worried.

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