The final phase

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Terra send Ventus somewhere throught a portal he he made and fought Eraqus untill he killed him.

Ebony went with Xehanort as it was time to reveal it was Xehanort doing all along.

Ebony heartless went within her as it fed on so much darkness and negative emotion that it was like a huge meal for her.

Ebony saw Terra crying adout Kaster Eraqus who was like a fatger to him blaming himself for Eraqus death while only trying to protect his friend.

Xehanort walked over to an broken Terra.

Xehanort: What a sight.
Why do you trouble yourself with remorse Master Terra?
The man was bent on doing harm to your friend, His own pupil!

Terra couldn't believe Xehanort doesn't feel sadness for tye death of his friend as Ebony sneaked uo behind him silently, Terra not even bothering to look behind him only forces on the master infront of him.

Terra: Master Xehanort, why?!

Xehanort: You know, at times I find your progess quite striking.
But you still fall short.
Let all that anger out my boy, give your heart over to darkness!

Terra got up and summoned his keyblade now finding Xehanort acting suspises.

Terra: What do you mean?!

Xehanort: Still so blind.
Then I will make you see.

Ebony then attacked Terra but he moved out of the way as Ebony stood as if protecting xehanort from Terra.

Terra was schocked to see the princess of Darkness.

Xehanort: Come to the place where all keybalde wielders leave their mark on fate.
They keyblade graveyard!

The old man the calls upon his keyblade.

Xehanort: There you will meet your dear, Ventus and Aqua meet their ends and the last light within you die!

The eldery then used some darkness to cause the world to collaps falling into it, it seems.

Xehanort: You won't need a home anymore, where your going!

Terra: What?

Terra watch as Ebony let the old man throught the portal before the girl them turns to him and laughts evily.

Ebony: This is the end of anywhere safe for you Terra!

Ebony then went into the portal and vanshied leaving Terra to watch him home dissappear and getting out of their to meet and talk with them.

Vantias arrived at the keyblade graveyard as Ebony was making sure she was ready fir the final part of the plan.

Xehanort: They should be here soon, Vantais, Ebony we should welcome them.

Ebony: To their end.
Come on Vantias Lets go.

Vantias: Yes mistress.

Soon The three walks on a clear path where some old keybaldes made some kind of shape.

The three stood far away enough from Ventus, Terra and Aqua, Vantias and Ebony already have their keyblade out standing each side of Xehanort.

Xehanort: Behold, these lifeless keys used to be full of power, united by the hearts of their masters.
On this barren soil, keyblades of light and darkness were locked in combat... as the great keyblade war raged!
Countless keyblade wielders gave up their lives, all in search of one, ultimate key.
And it will soon belong to me.

Xehanort said that last part point at the blond boy and the keyblade wielders summon their amor.
Terra rush to the three dark keyblade wielders in fit of anger not think really straight.

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