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"So he'll be here in two days Ellie," my mum smiled widely. I don't think I've ever seen her smile so much, it was beginning to creep me out.

It's disgusting. Disgusting, vile and downright disappointing.

"That's great mum," I sighed, rolling my eyes as she looked the other way.

"And you are to make your brother feel welcome as well Ellie," my father added politely.

Too politely might I add, what else isn't he mentioning?

"Got it dad, anything else?" I groaned, I wasn't in the mood to listen to them waffle on anymore but I knew I had no choice but to hear them out. They've got this thing with respect among your peers and your elders.

"Yes," he paused to think again, "We met your new brother today again, we've met him a few times actually,"

I was already getting sick of hearing this new Luke kid referred to as my brother.

"We've been discussing his schooling arrangements with him and after talking with the principle we've decided he will be joining most of your classes," my father added.

"What?" I shrieked.

"No talking back to your father Ellie," my mum scolded using her authoritative tone, "No questions Ellie it's decided, you are also going to show him around the school,"


"I don't even know him?" I whined.

"You'll have time to get to know him," my mum smiled, in desperate attempts to smooth the situation over, "When he arrives you'll be helping him unpack, you'll be driving him to target to help him shop for anything he needs to refurbish and decorate and you'll be helping him do that too"

"You're kidding me right?" I cocked an eyebrow humourlessly, "This is all your job you know? You're the parents!"

"Of course not, we've arranged his credit card and everything so he'll have regular money transferred like you," dad explain regularly using his hands to emphasise the point he was making.

"So I have to shop with him? You do know boys hate shopping right?" I struggled to obtain my laughter because this was ridiculous.

Adopting a 17 year old boy? Then showering him with money?

Did they think this was what he wanted?

Did they think this would make my pain easier?

"Yes, you are to go shopping with him. Oh and besides Ellie even if you wasn't to help him shop you'd need take him anyway because he can't legally drive in America yet until he retakes his test," she shrugged completely ignoring my comment about boys not enjoying shopping.

"I have to help him? Wait why can't he drive?" I frowned.

"Yes, with painting or whatever he decides to do with his room and no he needs to retake it to get used to the American driving system,"

"Why can't you help him? You adopted him and what so he's not American?"

"No your mum and I have business to attend too so we will be away and no he's Australian,"

Typical, they adopt a child and then won't be around to be there for him.

Even better he had to be Australian.

They wouldn't have anything else of course.

Because like us, Lucas was Australian.

And they're trying to replace him.


Scarred -  Luke Hemmings (completed)Where stories live. Discover now