Twenty Two

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Two days ago the day had finally come for Luke to go and buy a new car, he'd burst into my room at 6:25 overflowing at the brim with excitement. It was as if he were a five year old child on Christmas morning, impatient and desperate to go downstairs and open his presents.

Unfortunately despite my pleads, begging and best efforts, he had straight up refused to get the fuck out of my room so I could sleep for another hour or two. Maybe more.

So it had came down to negotiations.

It was either A, he leaves so I could sleep some more and I'd drive us to the cinema after visiting the dealership; so we could watch the new chipmunk movie or B, he refuses to leave my room but I'll still sleep anyway and it's no movie for him.

He chose A of of course, wanting more than anything to see the film but had a counter negotiation. I could sleep and we'd go to the movies but he wanted to stay with me, cuddle and sleep too because despite the fact he was in my room at stupid hours, he was actually sleepy and couldn't sleep due to nightmares which was why he'd been in here at the crack of dawn.

Nightmares he's refusing to share with me or talk about but I know they must be real fucking bad because it's two days later now and he's still sleeping in my bed, cuddling me and holding on so tight as he sleeps, likes he's afraid I'm leaving him. Night terrors and all that fun stuff.

I'll get it out of him eventually, whatever it is.

"Earth to Ell, are you there?"

Speak of the devil.

"Yeah sorry I'm just thinking," I laughed nervously, he couldn't ever know that I was thinking about how to get him to talk to me or he'd never open up.

"You're always getting lost in your thoughts," he chuckled as he watched me from the other side of the kitchen counter.

"Oops," I giggled nervously shrugging my shoulders, "Hey you get to drive yourself to school for the first time today huh?" I smiled changing the subject.

He glanced down at the floor for a second before looking back up with a small smile, "Yeah I guess so," he mumbled shrugging, he sounds almost disappointed.

Who am I kidding? I wish he was disappointed because truth be told I am, I enjoyed driving together to school, I enjoyed his company and in general I just enjoyed spending time with Luke.

But now he has his own car, he can go out with the guys, drive them to school and not have to depend on me to get from A to B.

"You guess so? Come on Luke sound a little more excited huh? You don't need to hitch a ride from me now," I forced an encouraging and convincing smile for him but he didn't return it.

"Yeah I know but-" his gaze dropped and all at once his scruffy vans became the focus of his interest.

"But what?" I pressed the matter, confused as to why he was hesitant to look at me, talk or show excitement for something two days he'd been nothing but ecstatic about.

"I like driving to school with you," he mumbled looking up smiling slightly.

"You do?" I allowed a small smile to appear, secretly over the moon that it wasn't just me who enjoyed the others company.

"Yeah I like your company and we have fun singing obnoxiously and that, I don't know, I'd just be pretty bummed if we couldn't do that anymore I guess," he shrugged trying to appear less affected by the idea of not riding school together. Instead taking his bowl over to the sink and cleaning it out.

I stood up and took my own bowl over to the sink to wash later, then stood beside Luke and nudged him in the side, "Glad we're on the same page then," I chuckled and he looked down at me grinning.

"So I don't have to drive to school on my own? I can still stay with you?" He smiled excitedly, looking much like that five year old child from two days ago.

"Oh you're driving but this time I'm the passenger princess," I laughed waltzing off into the hallway to grab my bag, "Come on Hemmo or we'll be late!"


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