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When my mum and dad came home two days ago I can openly say I was that shocked, I dropped the chicken fricassee that I had made for me and Luke for dinner.

I mean they weren't scheduled to come home and even when they are, they never come home together. It's usually just mum or just dad.

Not that either of them visit often anyway.

I guess my point is, that I even thought for a second that they had come home to meet Luke, to see how we were doing and spend time with us.

For a second I did anyway and as I said, that happened two days ago.

"Ellie can you go pick up my suit from the dry cleaners?" Dad asked popping his head around the door.

Turns out they just needed to come home for a quick review business meeting and their offices here are more equipped to do the work they needed to complete.

Sighing mentally, I swirled around in my desk chair, momentary pushing my homework aside, "I've only just got in though? Can't you go?" I groaned, this was his third request today and probably the thousandth one him or mum have given me since they arrived home two days ago.

Ellie do this, Ellie can you fetch that? Ellie, Ellie, Ellie.

The only time they talk to me or bother coming to see me is because they need me to slave around after them and complete their errands.

I would of said something or gone to their offices to confront them about it, but my dad was strict in enforcing a "our offices are always off bounds" rule. Neither me, not Lucas have ever stepped foot in his office, we had been in to mothers once or twice but only when invited.

I've have enough of the bullshit but as usual, I genuinely couldn't find the words to tell him that.

"Sure dad, you got the ticket?" I drawled holding out my hand for it. He fished around in his pant pocket and eventually pulled out the small paper, handing it to me before leaving the room.

"Thanks Ellie, yeah no problem dad!" I laughed sarcastically as I lifted my hands in the air and dropped them loudly back down exasperated.

The long drive to the laundrette gave me plenty on time to think, about me, college, Luke and my parents too.


That's another that has really pissed me off since my parents have came home.

Their disinterest in Luke.

They've not even acknowledged him being here, they've not bothered to strike up a conversation with him, if he passed them in the halls and to be blunt if he asked them a simple question to be polite they've downright fucking ignored him.

It infuriates me beyond recognition, he's been brought into a "loving family" that haven't even given him the time of day or bothered to be around to support and care for him.

For that reason, I'm glad he has his best friends who come see him regularly, if he didn't, all he would have is me.

And I'm not that great.

Me on the other hand; all I've got is Luke.

Speaking of Luke he went out this morning with Michael who, and I quote, needed "guy advice about a girl" and I honestly couldn't help but laugh at Michaels embarrassed flustered state.

Pulling up and parking outside the laundrette with the ticket in my hand, I was slightly frustrated with myself for giving in to my parents orders but none the less walked into the laundrette and rang the bell on the counter.

"Ticket?" A elderly women who appeared asked and sauntered off to the back room when I handed it to her, "Give me a minute," she mumbled but I wasn't paying much attention as my phone beeped.

Noticing it was a text from Luke I unlocked my phone.

from lucifer :-)

you never say no do you? x

to lucifer :-)

what x

from lucifer :-)

you're running around for them again ell :-( x

to lucifer :-)

again, what? x

from lucifer :-)

i won't let them order you about again ell, it's not fair :-( x

to lucifer :-)

how'd you know I'm on an errand anyway? I could be on the couch eating popcorn? x

from lucifer :-)

nice try but you're on laundry duty x

to lucifer :-)

how'd you know? x

"Here you go miss," the lady spoke snapping my attention back upwards, smiling warmly I took the bag and made my way back to the car.

"So, next time they ask, you just gotta say no. It's simple," a voice chirped up and turning to find the source, I saw Luke leaning against my car door.

"Hello to you too," I laughed opening the doors for us both.

"Hi but seriously though," he glanced at me, a troubled expression in his features.

"Yeah, I will eventually, I would of earlier I just couldn't be bothered with an argument," I shrugged him off, not in the mood to talk about my pathetic parents, "Thought you were hanging with Michael anyway?"

Knowing I didn't want to speak about our sad excuse for a "family" he dropped the issue, "I was but he disappeared to his room with the girl if you're picking up what I'm putting down,"

"Oh I'm picking it up alright," I laughed and for the first time in two days I realised it was a genuine one.

"There you are, I was wondering when my Ell would be back,"


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