Danger approach

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(Your dress is the picture except it's whatever color you want and you have the notepad and thigh highs with your knife and idgaf what shoes you have on :,) )

As soon as I type out the message I was sending to Angle I hear a faint knock on my door, turning my head I raise an eyebrow at the noise.

Opening the door I'm met with an excited but familiar face, Angel was already at my door, I keep forgetting everyone is so much fucking taller than me, I totally forgot my height is 5'9 here but everyone else is way taller.

"Hey doll" he stops to examine my outfit up and down as his flirtatious smile appears on his face.

"You look scorching hot, you planning to hook up with anyone by any chance?" Playfully shoving his shoulder as I roll my eyes as we both start laughing.

'No, not yet. Why, you offering?'

I playfully smirk as his face tints a slight shade of pink before a cocky smile appears on his face while he raises an eyebrow.

"Alright let's go, my boss insisted on picking us up." I notice his mood changes ever so slightly when he mentioned his boss and I tilt my head.

'What's wrong?'

He just smiles and shakes his head as he pulls me in the elevator, not answering my question.

(For anyone wondering what he's wearing)

As we walk outside of the building I notice Angel's mood changes instantly as soon as a limbo arrives in front of us, I follow Angel inside and awkwardly take a seat directly across from this 'boss' only because it's the seat next to Angel

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As we walk outside of the building I notice Angel's mood changes instantly as soon as a limbo arrives in front of us, I follow Angel inside and awkwardly take a seat directly across from this 'boss' only because it's the seat next to Angel.

"Angel, aren't you going to introduce me to your pretty little friend here?" He gives an unnerving grin towards me, making me cringe at the sight.

"Y-yeah! This here is Y/N. She's a real sweetheart and Y/N, this is Valentino, my boss that I was talking about earlier." He smiles at me but I feel a sense of sadness behind it.

"All good things I hope." He lets out a low chuckle as I placed my hand on top of Angel's.

'You okay?'

He gave a small nod but soon I looked over to see Valentino staring at me, er rather my body and me.

"You know, you would be perfect for a job I could give you." He smiles as he rest his chin in the palm of his hand.

"Oh- actually Y/N is mute so-" before Angel could finish his sentence his boss cuts him off with a harsh tone.

"Angel. I'm not talking to you." Angel immediately stops talking and just looks over at me.

"So what do you say?" Valentino holds out his hand for me to shake on to which I just stare at.

Shaking my head I show him the notepad.

Glowing soul/Alastor x mute!readerWhere stories live. Discover now