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No lemon only a bit spicy but mainly fluff you naughty little cheese graders :)

My head turns to face the door as Angel gets up and opens the wooden structure, slipping through the door at first was a tall female with a singular eye and a large grin, she had a duffle bag slung over her shoulder.

Her eye had made eye contact with mine causing her smile to only grow wider.

"Aye! You must be Angie's new gal friend!" She holds out her to which I take and smile.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Cherri" she takes her hand back and throws her bag onto the bed.

Walking into the room after her was Alastor, I couldn't help but blush and look away shyly due to the fact that we did JUST kiss like 30 minutes ago and I'm still unsure on what our relationship status is.

It may probably only just be a one time thing.

I take a seat on the white and pink couch that was set at the corner in the room.

Pulling out my phone I start to scroll on Voxtagram unaware of the current presence that was sat beside me, I jump slightly as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Can I talk you you Y/N, dear?" He smiles faintly to which I nod and smile awkwardly.

Alastor takes my hand and before we exit the room we hear Angel speak;

"Wow, you're ditching to bang? Well, have fun!" He lets out a chuckle and I hear Cherri laugh alongside with him.

My face turns red as I turn and look at Alastor who still had a huge smile on his face but also had a tint of red dusted on his cheeks.

"Fear not my effeminate fellow, we are simply having a private conversation." Turning on his heel he leads me out the door.

I hold my breath as the door shuts, leaving us alone in the empty hallways.

"Y/N , did I push your boundaries by any chance?" I notice him fidgeting with the tips of his fingers and I shake my head.

'No you didn't, I'm just figuring this stuff out because I just arrived to hell and this is all new to me.'

He gave a smile before he continued talking.

"Good, so may I kiss you?" He gently takes my hand resulting to a soft blush to appear on my face.

"I just can't get enough of you.." he gently takes my hand into his.

I nod hesitantly and he gently cups my face with one hand as the other is placed on my waist and with that he places his lips on mine, moving on rhythm I tangle my fingers through his hair and gently rub on his ear causing him to release a muffled groan.

"You should watch where you put your hands my dear..." his once gentle kiss got slightly hungrier as his tongue entered my mouth and explored each corner.

Pinching my hip slightly he earned a squeak that had erupted from me, Alastor pulls back as he hears a voice call out.

"Would you two get a fucking room." Vaggie grumbles as she walks past us.

I laugh nervously and put my hand on the doorknob and twist it only to find it's locked, I pull out my phone to find a notification left on my lock screen.
Angel 🤍🩷: Hey toots, you and the radio demon have some fun together, we can chill some other time.
And with that I let out a sigh and show Alastor the cause of my sudden breath.

"Well, I'd only be willing if you are, my dear!" He wiggled his eyebrows to which I chuckle and playfully shove him.

'Sure let me go change into pajamas' I couldn't help but smile as I wrote out the note.

He just pats the top of my head lightly and gently presses his soft lips against my forehead.

Scurrying off to my room and can't help but turn red as the memories of the hallway flood in, I quickly change into the set of pajamas.

(This bc I enjoy cozy stuff)

As I make my way towards the room numbered '665' I bite my bottom lip nervously as I anxiously bring my knuckle to the door

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As I make my way towards the room numbered '665' I bite my bottom lip nervously as I anxiously bring my knuckle to the door.

Hastily, I knock twice on the door and it cracks open before fully opening, revealing a smiling Alastor.

"Come in dear, I don't bite hard!" He chuckles and I smile closed-eyed as I walk inside the familiar room still feeling the relaxing aura from when I first entered.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to watch a movie with me? Just to- y'know, pass time?" Smiling at his words I nod.

"How about Grave Encounters? I've heard it's pretty... scary~" He flirtatiously kisses the back of my hand as we take a seat down on his bed I just smile and nod once more signaling that I'd enjoy whatever movie he put on.

Pulling out a laptop he types out a few keys into a movie streaming website before pulling up the movie on screen, I put my legs under the covers along with Alastor and huddle closely towards him.

The movie was definitely a slow burn towards the action but I didn't mind especially because it would just create more time to spend for me and Alastor, nothing really scared me in the movie except for a particular scene where a demon/monster thing came running at the main character, Lance and it just was overall unexpected and made me cover my face with my hands as I turned to bury my face in Alastors shoulder with a small squeal.

He just chuckled and gently patted my back with his hand, unfazed by the jumps are that was appeared on screen.

As the movie comes near to an end Lance was going insane, he wacks the rat that was spotted on screen and brutally beats it to a pulp then starts to devour it.

Twisting my face into a disgusted look as I look away from the screen, which caused Alastor to burst into a half-hearted laughing fit.

'Alastor! That's so disgusting.'

This caused him to just laugh harder.

After the movie ended I yawn and stretch my arms out earning a groan to escape from my lips as my back pops, I feel arms snake around my waist and pull my closer to the possessor which was Alastor. He places many kisses on my cheeks making me chuckle and playfully shove him.

"Are you tired, my love?" My heart flutters at the new nickname causing my face to blush a light shade of red, nodding in response his smile grows gentle and he lays down after putting down his laptop.

I lay down as well, my back facing Alastor as my mind starts racing with thoughts as my face unknowingly burns up.

~Alastors POV~

I gently trace my finger up Y/N's back, creating imaginary patterns up and down her back, I smile as I notice a slight shiver come from her body.

Taking the signal that she's cold I loop my arms around her waist and pull her close towards me, her back pressed firmly against my chest. Placing a gentle kiss on the tip of her ear I dig my face in the crook of her neck and close my eyes as I enjoy the relaxing scent that was coming off of her body.

"Goodnight Y/N"

A/N: I highly suggest watching Grave Encounters if you haven't already, it's really good and it's for free on YouTube, there's 1 and 2 but be careful cuz the second one shows some stuff lol! Also sorry for this chapter being pretty shitty lol

Glowing soul/Alastor x mute!readerWhere stories live. Discover now