Epilogue 🌶️

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A/N: I'm not the greatest at smut so just bare with me here also this isn't mandatory for the story just skip if you aren't comfortable w smut 🕳️👩‍🦯


I turn to face Alastor, he gently pushes my hips back against the door and grinds his hips into mine as he starts to place gentle kisses on my jawline.

I let out a shaky breath as I gently rub his ears making him let out a soft groan, he digs his teeth into my neck causing me to yelp.

Picking me up by my thighs and walks over to the bed.

~3rd person POV~

Alastor gently placed Y/N on the bed and looked down at her lustfully, bending down he starts to place multiple kisses on her neck causing her breath to catch in her throat.

Alastor pauses and looks into Y/N's e/c eyes before speaking.

"Do I have consent?" Y/N nods in response and Alastor's smile reappears upon his face.

Stepping back he begins to unbuckle his belt and allows his pants to fall down to his ankles, Y/N sits up and begins to remove her clothes from off her body.

As Alastor finally lets his cock spring free from his boxers and crawls on top of Y/N, his eyes scan over her smooth figure.

"God, you look so fucking beautiful..." He breathed out and smiled softly as her face heated up at the compliment.

He places one more gentle kiss on her lips before a finger traces down her body towards her clit making her body shiver, as his fingers reach the area he gently massages the swollen bud making her let out a soft whimper.

Slipping one finger inside of her she lets out a small but soft moan, barley audible but enough for Alastor to hear.

He slowly starts to thrust his finger in and out of her entrance before slowly picking up the pace, earning a few whimpers and moans this encouraged Alastor to add a second finger inside of Y/N which earned a whimper.

As his finger thrust in and out of her she lets out moans and whimpers as her back slightly arches from the pleasure, she closes her eyes and her head tilts back just letting herself enjoy the feeling.

As he pulls his fingers he soon lines up the tip with her entrance, slowly pushing himself inside of her he lets out a grunt.

As soon as all of him was inside of her he waits for her to give him the signal that he can move, she grips the sheets slightly and winces at slight pain.

This wasn't Y/N's first time but he's definitely not small so, this definitely wasn't what Y/N was expecting.

She takes a deep breath and nods, Alastor moves his hands from each side of her head to her hips.

He starts to slowly thrust in and out of her, the movements of their bodies together in sync was like a beautiful harmony.

"F-fuck Y/N..." Alastor whimpers as his pace picks up slightly.

His whimpers turned Y/N on even more, her walls started to clench around Alastor even more which earned quite a few grunts from the radio demon.

As Y/N's moans got a bit louder Alastor slammed his lips against hers to quiet down her whimpers and noises.

Grinding and thrusting his hips into Y/N's made them both feel like they were both finally experiencing heaven.

Y/N's stomach twisted and a knot was starting to form as Alastor repeatedly pushed and grinded his cock against her g-spot.

She lets out one last moan along with Alastor as they both came to their climax, the hot liquids mixing together and spewing out of Y/N's hole.

They were both hot and sweating due to the recent activity they were just doing, as he pulled out finally after a few minutes of processing what they had just done he smiles and kissed her forehead.

He pulled out a towel and gently cleaned her up, not leaving any spot untouched.


He slides next to Y/N as he sets down the towel and pulls her close to him, not letting her escape the embrace.

"I love you, Y/N." She smiled as his grew

"I love you too Alastor." She responded

That's what she needed.
Him, just him.
He was her healing.

A/N: Sooo there's definitely other stuff that would happen but I'm lazy and I'm better at one shots lolz so I'll probably make a Hazbin hotel one shot book 👍

Glowing soul/Alastor x mute!readerWhere stories live. Discover now