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I woke up and slowly opened my eyes as they slowly adjust to the morning light, feeling the warmth of the other person holding me closely to them.

I turn my body to face a still breathing Alastor, watching his mouth open he begins to talk;

"Good morning my dear, did you sleep well?" I smile and nodded my head to which he returns the smile in response.

I sat up and stretched my arms, I give a satisfied sigh as the popping of my back was heard.

Grabbing my notepad I quickly wrote out something;

'I'm going out with Angel again tonight, I'd like you to help me pick out what I wear'

He hums for a few seconds before nodding.

"I'd be more than happy to help you." His smile widens as I stand up.

With a snap of his fingers I instantly got changed into a beautiful f/c dress, it hugged my figure perfectly with the corset added.

(Replace black with your favorite color :,) )

I squeal excitedly and throw my arms over his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, he seemed caught off guard for a second but he quickly returns the favor as his arms wrap around my waist

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I squeal excitedly and throw my arms over his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, he seemed caught off guard for a second but he quickly returns the favor as his arms wrap around my waist.

'What are we? Relationship wise'

He hums and smiles slyly

"Whatever you'd like to be, my lovely Y/N!" Swiftly he steps back and starts to make the bed that we had just slept in, fluffing the pillows and dusting the sheets.

'Lovers?' I stare at the note turning pink as I held it in my hands unsure if I should show it to my possible lover.

"Is everything alright dear?" His voice was laced with concern as an eyebrow was raised.

I quickly ripped off the note and shoved it in his hands, I turned on my heel to exit, due to embarrassment I wanted to leave as soon as possible but before I could exit I feel my wrist being grabbed and my body being pulling back.

I feel myself being pinned to the wall.

"Love, if you wanted to be in such a relationship status you could've told me, no need to be shy." Gently, he lets go and places his hands onto my hips.

I look away shyly still not aware if that was a yes or no.

"It was a yes, yes I'll be your significant other." It was almost as if he read my mind.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck I bury my face in the crook of his neck, enjoying the warmth that was caused by our bodies being so close together.

"Now my dear, you must get going! But please be safe, and remember. You're never fully dressed without a smile~" Giving a swift wink as he backs up so I had space to exit the room.

I quickly exited the room to be met with an already dressed up Angel waiting for me.

"Hey babe, Valentino wanted to take us somewhere today but wouldn't tell us where." His finger glides on my dress, examining the fabrics as a smile spreads across his lips.

"I heard everything by the way, good job! I didn't know you could pimp the seemingly non-lovable Radio Demon~" He puts his lower arms on his hips as his upper arms go behind his head.

"Anyways he's waiting outside, we should get going before he gets upset." Angel's face darkens as he begins to walk towards the elevator.

Short POV time ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ)
~Narrarator's POV~

As Y/N and Angel make their way into the elevator they are both unaware of the horrors that are about to be cursed upon them.

~Angel's POV~

Me and Y/N approach a black car, the windows 100% tinted making it unable to see inside of the vehicle.

I open the passenger door but before I could sit down Valentino's hand pressed against my chest stopping me from entering the car.

"Angel cakes, please allow Y/N to sit in the passenger side." His face twisted into a wicked smile.

That fucking smile I knew one too well.

I look back at Y/N then retract my eyes to Valentino, I let out a shaky breath and slowly nod.

I watch as Y/N slides into the passenger while I enter to the backseat, I look over at Y/N as my anxiety starts to cripple over me.

Suddenly pink smoke starts to fill the car and my head starts to spin as my vision starts to blur.

"F-fuck.. Y-Y/N!..-" The last thing I could hear before I blacked out was a faint noise.

It was Valentino,

"Your body will be perfect for this, Y/N. But first I have to see for myself." And I knew exactly what he had meant by that.

~Alastor POV~

Humming I walk down the hall and accidentally bump into Nifty.

"Apologies Nifty! I was just wondering where Y/N had gone off too with Angel." I smile and bend down to her eye level.

"Oh Y/N! Oh yes! I saw her with Angel! They were inside of a black car, then pink smoke filled and they ended up passing out!" With a smile she quickly brushed herself off and walked past me.

Those words triggered something inside me, and I knew what I had to do and I had to act quickly before it a was too late.

I quickly moved to a window and looked down, I watched as a black car started speeding away but a single piece of paper flew out before it fully disappeared from my line of sight.

Turning around I walk into the elevator and sigh as I click a button, making the elevator go down.

A/N: Omg this is so shit I'm sorry but ima be hella busy for like a month n I'm so stressed w everything im so sorry lol 😭

Glowing soul/Alastor x mute!readerWhere stories live. Discover now