Quality time

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Walking into the hotel I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, looking behind me I see Alastor standing there with an awkward expression plastered on his face.

I tilt my head and his expression changes back to its original appearance.

"Be a dear and meet me in my room in a few minutes, I want to get to know you some more." He pats my head before strutting off somewhere leaving me confused with no explanation.

Shrugging, I head over to the elevator to make my way to my own room, now that I honestly think about it I've never seen the inside in my own room.

As I unlock the door and step inside as I decided I'll just change into what I originally came to hell in because I enjoyed the outfit and it suited me.

The carpet that was covering the ground was soft and fuzzy, the bed was cushioned and fluffy. I felt as if I could sink in it, my eyes go wide as I locate my childhood stuffed animal.

I gently take it off of the bed and closely examine it, the colors were the same as I had remembered. I smiled slightly as I held the plush close to me.

~Alastor's POV~

"Well hot shot, if you're here to ask me advice on how to make a move you've come to the right place." Angel smiles as he crosses his legs in the chair that he was currently sitting in.

I came to Angel's room just for some tips on how to impress or something that would improve me and Y/N's relationship because if I'm being honest, I want more than what I already have of her.

"First things first, don't try to pry out any unnecessary details about her past life okay? It may be a sensitive topic that she's not ready to talk about." I nod in response.

"Say... I've never seen you act this way with anyone before!" He chuckles before brushing back some of his hair.

"Well anyways, just don't be a buzz kill and have a good time." He stands up and signals me to leave out the door.

"My deepest thanks goes to you, Angel." As I walk out the door I slightly bow my head and he shrugs with a smile.

"Eh, it's for my precious Y/N so of course I'd help you, also don't push anything on her. I will find you" He winks before closing the door.

I sigh nervously and walk down the hallway and enter my room, as I close the door behind me I hear a faint knocking sound.

I quickly adjust my suit and open the door to reveal a stunning Y/N, she smiled at me causing my heart to start pounding in my chest.

"Welcome to my enchanted world, please have a seat!" I smile as I signal towards a black and red leather love couch.

She nods and takes a seat down on the couch and starts to examine the room, turning away I start to fumble with my fingers nervously as I am unsure what to say.

"Would you like something to drink? I do have a fine bottle of wine!" Laughing nervously I watch as she nods her head in an approving manner.

~Y/N's POV~

I carefully take the wine glass from Alastor as he takes a seat beside me, he leaves a distant but yet appropriate gap between us.

"Y/N I never did get the chance to ask you, how did you die?" I look up at him as I take a drink out of the cold glass.


He tilts his head at the note then opens his mouth to speak.

"Ah I see, I was mistaken for a deer and I got shot!" He let out a half-hearted laugh and looked into my eyes.

Glowing soul/Alastor x mute!readerWhere stories live. Discover now