Rescue mission

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~Y/N's POV~

I groan as I slowly wake up, looking down at my body I realize my clothes have changed into something much more sinful.

I groan as I slowly wake up, looking down at my body I realize my clothes have changed into something much more sinful

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I quickly scramble to my feet as I examine my body, I start to panic as I realize somebody has changed my clothes and had saw my bare body underneath

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I quickly scramble to my feet as I examine my body, I start to panic as I realize somebody has changed my clothes and had saw my bare body underneath.

I felt so exposed and it was pitch black besides a dim light coming from a crack behind a curtain, suddenly the curtains are being pulled back revealing a crowd of people watching my body hungrily, I realize the pole in front of me and my whole body tensed up.

I stumble backwards but due to the heels my ankles rolled causing me to trip but before my body could colloid with the ground I felt someone catch me, it was Angel Dust.

I frantically look for my notepad but realize it's gone, but I remembered I could speak to people through telekinesis!

Shit why didn't I do this sooner! I discovered this while me and Alastor were sleeping in the same room.

'Angie what in fuck is this!?' He jumped before his eyes start to water.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I tried to keep you away from him but he still found a way. Let me take the show over." I hesitantly nod as I watch him walk up to the pole and take a deep breath.

Before he could reach the pole two muscular men came up and started dragging Angel away from the pole.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" He lets out a low growl.

"You're not supposed to be back here Angel Dust, Y/N is the one Valentino wants to see on the pole." He spat before before I watch them fully disappear.

I look back at the crowd and my arms cross as I try to cover as much as my body as I possibly could, suddenly I feel my body start to get heated, I felt humiliated. Like my body was just worth a few dollar bills.

As pink smoke floods up in my nose I feel my senses being lost and my body being taken controlled over.

~Valentino's POV~

I watch from a distance as an elegant s/c demon seductively walks up to the pole, smiling I realize the smoke has already taken effect upon her body.

She hold onto the pole and spins quickly before lifting her legs up and out.

I watch the crowd closely as most of them are practically drooling out of the mouth over exposed body, I watch as money starts being shoved in her outfit.

Some people getting touchy to which her s/c tail whipped them painfully.

The way her body shimmers under the light due to the glitter makes me shift slightly in my seat, the way people start going feral over her almost makes me want to fold for her.

*Time skip to after the show bc I'm getting lazy*

I decided to let her keep on her outfit for this go around due to this being the first performance that's been cursed upon of her, making her go backstage I stand up and brush off my long red coat.

The click of the heels on my shoes follow behind me as I make my way back stage, I watch as Y/N is still in the trance.

"Beautiful job sweetheart, I can't wait to see more of your body~" I catch her before she falls limp, the smoke clears up and I look deeply at her face, admiring all of her features dearly.

I feel a presence behind me and I sigh.

"Angel, I know you told me not to but your not in con-"

"I'm afraid you've mistaken me." An unfamiliar voice creeps from behind me.

I quickly turn my head to be immediately hit in the face by a hard cane with a microphone attached to it, I grip the spot that was taken the impact.

I set down Y/N and stand up, my tall body towering him.

He cocks his neck to the side and his eyes start to turn to dials, my smile completely drops as I slightly stumble backwards.

"Give me Y/N." I shake my head as I regain my composure.

"No, I don't think I will... Alastor." I take a long inhale of my cigarette before blowing the smoke in his direction.

Suddenly he was out of my sight making me pause slightly.

I feel sharp object slice open my back, making me yell in pain due to the toxic poison feeling.

~Alastor's POV~

I move and watch as Valentino's body falls limp, shaking my head in disapproval I pick up Y/N bridal style.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner my love, I had trouble finding this place.." My smile falls ever so slightly as I bring us to the hotel.

We appear in her room and I gently set her down on her bed, my eyes go down to her exposed figure and a sigh escapes my lips as guilt starts to fill up in my chest.

I decided to let her wake up so we could talk instead of trying to undress her to change her while she's passed out.

I slip off her heels and set them by the entrance of her room, slipping off my shoes I set them beside hers and sit beside her but still giving her, her space so that she can take a minute.

~Y/N's POV~

My eyes gently flutter open as I let out a soft groan, I roll to my left to see a shirtless Alastor laying beside me.

"Good morning Y/N I-"

'I don't wanna talk about it.'

Alastor lets out a sigh then nods, gently he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his chest, I feel the heat rise up in my cheeks as I further nuzzle my head in his chest.

I was about to "say" something before a knock interrupted us.

I sat up and made my way over to the door, opening it I revealed a puffy eyed Angel Dust.

He instantly wrapped all 4 arms around me and I felt some hot tears stream down his face, he sniffles before he starts to talk.

"I'm so fucking sorry Y/N, I promised I'd protect you yet you still ended up on that stage." He nearly chokes on his words as I gently stroke his hair.

'Don't be Angel, you can't keep blaming yourself for everything that Valentino does. It just puts more pressure on you and you don't deserve it.' He nods in response and gives me one last squeeze before leaving to probably go report the situation to Charlie.

I shut the door and sigh, but jump as I feel a pair of arms being placed on my hips.

"I need you~" my face burns hot as the words Alastor purred into my ear hits the realization.

A/N: another shit chapter but smut next chapter which will also be the last chapter 😍👍

Glowing soul/Alastor x mute!readerWhere stories live. Discover now